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Monday, May 11, 2009

For Women Only

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Sometimes people forget, but the women were standing around Har Sinai too! (I bet you didn't know that).

I wasn't sure at first if you call it a Yeshiva, a Seminary, a Jewish Center for Advance Learning, or a Midrasha (apparently Midrasha is the right term), but Nishmat definitely has programs for any Woman who wants to learn Torah.

It's called the Alisa Flatow Summer Program.

Nishmat has been around for a while, but I recall they really gained attention when they started their Women's Halachic Hotline and program for Yoatzot (primarily women Halachic experts for women related Halachic questions - that makes sense to me).

This summer (July 1 to July 22) they are running a series of summer programs for all levels of Jewish women, from beginners to very advanced, and for all ages too. And of course they have their year round, regular post-high school programs, as well as full and part-time learning programs for adults.

The summer program also includes some "Israel Experiences" such as Shabbatonim and Tiyulim.

So all you women reading this blog, go check out Nishmat because this is your opportunity to really learn something.

And if you're a guy, have I got a Shidduch for you. (OK, that was totally out of place, but I couldn't resist.)

The Nishmat Campus:

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