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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Clinton's Quote of the Day.

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to Al-Jazeera TV: East Jerusalem will be Israel's capital.

And in a new twist Tuesday, Clinton made what appeared to be an inadvertent slip of the tongue in a television interview with the al-Jazeera network, referring to the goal of "an Israeli capital in east Jerusalem."

It has not been U.S. policy to favor including east Jerusalem in an Israeli capital; the Palestinians claim it as their capital, and the issue is one of the most important and delicate points that would have to be settled in any final peace deal between the two parties.

Two Clinton aides monitoring the interview alerted her to the mistake and that portion of the interview was retaped so she could correct herself. (Yahoo)

I hope President Obama was listening.

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  1. Some body is grasping at straw. A slip of tongue quickly corrected. How many times Condi Rice and G.W. Bush mispoke during their term in office? I don't remember you reporting that.

  2. grasping at a straw?

    not really...just a slip of the tongue observation.

    If GWB or Condi has said that the Palestinians would be getting a Capital in West Jerusalem, you can be sure I would have mentioned that!

  3. Alinosof: How many times Condi Rice and G.W. Bush mispoke during their term in office? I don't remember you reporting that.

    Your silly insinuation that this blog was in any way supportive of George W. Bush or Condaleeza Rice is a painfully obvious sign that you know absolutely nothing about the views that have been expressed here.
