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Monday, March 08, 2010

Should JoeSettler be allowed to post on the Muqata?

Certain anonymous elements (and Commenter Abbi) keep asking that JoeSettler be expelled from the Muqata!

Unbelievable but true (read some of the comments).

So here's a poll to help you get that out of your systems.
Send emails to all your friends to vote.

Should JoeSettler be allowed to post on the Muqata?

We want to see at least 2500 unique votes within the next few days.

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  1. I bet JoeSettler won't leave if voted off the island.

  2. He wouldn't be JoeSettler if he did ;-)

  3. I enjoy his posts very much.
    Which comments did you want people to view

  4. OFF and OUT!

  5. I think *I* should be allowed to post on the Muqata. :-)

  6. Joe. I think you meant off the settlement, not off the island.

  7. What if I'm not a leftist, but he's still too right?

  8. Should JoeSettler be allowed to post on the Muqata?
    * Yes of course, He's adds great content.
    * No. I'm a Leftist and he's too right.

    Um, those two choices don't exactly reflect all possible views, now do they?

    I imagine that if you made the choices simply "Yes" and "No", you'd get more "Yes" votes. (E.g., from leftists who don't like your posts, but still respect your right to express your views. I could name names, but I'd rather let those people speak for themselves.)

  9. And why are we voting about banning people in the first place? What is this, DovBear?

  10. Um, those two choices don't exactly reflect all possible views, now do they?

    Of course they do.

    And why are we voting about banning people in the first place?

    I'm not allowed to have a little fun? Should I make a poll about that too?

  11. Lurker: If JoeSettler wants to ban himself, thats his problem.

    (Its exactly the same sort of warped reasoning that got people to complain about him in the first place!)

  12. With all due respect, there is a difference between being right wing and being an ***hole and sometimes you are less of the former, making the rest of us look a lot like the latter. Simple as that.

  13. All those in favor of allowing Joe Settler to have a little fun say "Aye!"


  14. Too right-wing? What exactly does that mean?

    Does that simply mean 'pro-Israel'?

    Now, if he admitted killing puppies and chopping down the rainforest, perhaps he would need to be banned. We can't have that.

    Even if it is a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

  15. How can you get 2500 unique votes when there are only 2 choices?

  16. Only if he posts more than once a week

  17. I have no problem with Joe Settler's politics but find his writing style lowers the level of discussion on the Muqata. Even without seeing the byline I know it's him and, frankly, find it annoying. I generally agree with everything he says but don't care for the tone. Sorry, but I'd prefer to read the Muqata only.

  18. Anonymous: Sorry, but I'd prefer to read the Muqata only.

    What does that mean?

  19. If we're going to expel JoeSettler, we need to pass an Expulsion/compensation bill first.

    We can hire Yonatan Bassi to administer it. I hear he needs a job...

  20. Lurker: It gets worse. If I'm not here, who will send out the Twitter feeds, maintain the blog technically, help set editorial tone and positions, and most important, co-write/edit some of the more important posts? (Except Srugim, which I don't do)

    The whole thing is going fall apart.

  21. JoeSettler: If I'm not here, who will send out the Twitter feeds, maintain the blog technically, help set editorial tone and positions, and most important, co-write/edit some of the more important posts?

    Hey, don't try to claim credit for everything: Jameel takes care of the waffles...

  22. Waffles are Jack's job actually.

  23. JoeSettler: Waffles are Jack's job actually.

    Promoting them, you mean. And eating them.

    But Jameel makes 'em. I mean, he's the one with the waffle maker.

    (And the ones in his mishloah manot were great.)

    Pass the syrup.

  24. First of all, Jameel can have anybody he wants guest-posting on his site. And anyway, in my opinion, Joe Settler is not right wing enough (so there).

  25. Where's the option to ban Commenter Abbi?

  26. Anonymous: Sorry, but I'd prefer to read the Muqata only.

    What does that mean?

    Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was that I prefer to read Jameel's posts. His are more intelligent and informative. And BTW, the waffle jests also bring down the level. Come on, guys! You have an important, serious thing going. Don't ruin it with junior-high level insider-joke chop-busting.

  27. Why are we up to episode 9 and no posts about Srugim

  28. And BTW, the waffle jests also bring down the level. Come on, guys!

    That is it. It is going to be All Waffles, All The Time.

    First you insult Joe and now you go and insult the waffle master himself.

    There is nothing like a great waffle breakfast to fuel your energy before a tiyul.

    I think that it was Levi Eshkol who said that it is good to cook for his country. Not quite Trumpeldor, but close enough.

  29. Anonymous: Sorry, but I'd prefer to read the Muqata only.

    Me: What does that mean?

    Anonymous: Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was that I prefer to read Jameel's posts. His are more intelligent and informative.

    Harumph. Sorry you don't find my posts intelligent and informative either. *sniff*. (If you don't want to read them, simply skip the ones that say "Posted by Lurker" at the top. All the ones posted by Jameel say "Posted by Jameel @ The Muqata".)

    Anonymous: And BTW, the waffle jests also bring down the level...

    We take our waffles very seriously at the Muqata, thank you very much. Perhaps you should be reading something for more serious, solemn, and grave people, like Commentary Magazine, perhaps. I've never seen a single waffle there.

    Pass the syrup.

  30. I don't think I've ever requested you be expelled but I have expressed sentiments similar to the above-mentioned, that your writing style is quite irritating and adds little to the discussion.

  31. i'm guessing this isn't really serious. i mean, if a bunch of anonymous people "voted" to remove joe, would you really do it, jameel? so who are you kidding? nobody here is "right wing" or "left wing" in terms of international politics, only israeli ones- a very different matter. and as far as israeli politics go, i don't think joe is "right wing" enough. but we do what we can.

  32. Congrats. You can add another obnoxious post to the list.

  33. This comment thread is ridiculous: you guys are wa-aaaay too serious. Anon: lighten up! Waffles are cool, especially if they're dietetic (Jameel, are they? If they're not, I can't in good conscience read your blog anymore. I hope you understand.).

    Also, how nasty to criticize a blogger's writing style (emphasis mine):

    "I have no problem with Joe Settler's politics but find his writing style lowers the level of discussion on the Muqata. Even without seeing the byline I know it's him and, frankly, find it annoying. I generally agree with everything he says but don't care for the tone."

    What th--?! Each blogger has his or her own style, tone, command of language, etc. which makes each writer unique and contributes to diversity (by the way, Anon, grammatically it's "he," not "him," as in "I know it's him." WRONG!!)

    You are right about Commentary, however; it's definitely a serious magazine. I subscribed to it for several years before not renewing, because it was just too serious; I found myself ignoring the issues as they arrived in the mail and they began to pile up, one on top of the other, in a stack.

    I will end this epistle by stating that I am looking forward to eating breakfast dietetic waffles forthwith upon my 2nd Aliyah. (Jameel--or Jack--whoever's the chef, my husband and I will be at your place promptly at 5:00 a.m. the week after we arrive, FYI.)

  34. The wording of this "poll" tells us all exactly why JoeSettler needs to slink off back to his own blog and rant to his audience of converted.

    While I appreciate that he is trying to be funny (and sometimes even succeeds!) with this wording/post and his others, it has nothing to do with alleged political positioning, it is about writing style and provocation.

    Case in point: Jameel arguably lives a more "settler" life than Joe on a whole bunch of levels. Yet he does not seek to actively provoke on the same level through his writing. And that is what makes Joe's posts squirmworthy reading.

    Anyway- as of a few weeks ago you may have noticed that I'm no longer reading this blog, so you can keep writing whatever you want. I was alerted to come back to vote on an issue I too have complained about to Jameel many times, in a poll which looks like Joe even designed it with me in mind :-)

  35. Case in point: Jameel arguably lives a more "settler" life than Joe on a whole bunch of levels.

    I tried the whole caravan thing, but it just didn't work for me.


    (Welcome back)
