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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tired of Arab Violence?

Tired of Arab Violence? Fed up with Leftwing Incitement? Had enough of the Arab/Leftist riots all over the country?

There will be 3 simultaneous protests in Judea, Samaria and Binyamin this Saturday night.

Motzei Shabbat, Parshat Vayikra, 5 Nisan (March 20, 2010), 8:30 PM:

In Judea: at the Gush Etzion junction.
 For details: Yehudit Katzover - 050-7161818, Nadia Matar - 050-5500834

In Samaria: at the Hawara junction.
  For details: Esther Karish 052-8119042

In Benjamin: at the Talmonim junction.
  For details: Yitzhak Shadmi 052-2456696

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  1. Joe, I hope its mostly women and children and babies inorder to make sure it appears in the news reports in as real frustrated and anguished families.

    One thing the arbas know is how to manipulate the photogs!

  2. I got an email about this. It said something about the "Arabs getting uppity". I have never heard that word used about Arabs.

  3. What are you protesting?

  4. Arabs getting "uppity"? And was this from someone in favor of or opposed to the demonstrations?
