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Monday, July 05, 2010

IDF Soldiers Rock the (Hebron) Casba

I hope they don't get in trouble for this:

Over 300,000 trees burned down in Israel on June 29...

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד


  1. funny but also can be deathly - loosing grip of weapon in middle of hebron is not very smart

  2. Hey A-Non. That's why the IDF Requires all rifles be carried slung.

  3. It is said (paraphrased) music soothes the savage beast - maybe it's exactly what the enemy needs, a little music and dance, to 'soothe' it...kept the beat, too!
    (so is that what the IDF guys learn in tironut?)

  4. hope you're right about not getting into trouble for that......i must say though that they definitely have rhythm.

  5. What a great stress reliever.

  6. You're nothing but callous occupiers. Why don't you just show a video of the Occupation army playing soccer with oppressed Palestinians behind the Fence - as if your Occupation is just fun and games.

  7. Hey anonymous, I'm wondering if you feel the same about the 21 countries (all but Saudi Arabia) that have been occupied by invading Muslims for centuries now, with the indigenous population brutally suppressed if not completely wiped out?
    Yeah......didn't think so.

  8. If the american's soldiers can why the Israeli's not???
    watch this video

  9. I think this is a closer analogy--US Marines in Iraq, 2007:

  10. "I hope they don't get in trouble"

    Too late......

  11. MY TAKE: I think they were communicating a humanitarian spirit with the person who changed the music. The so-called 'good' arabs in Hebron are probably laughing over this. Something to break the tension. The arabs know the guys can shoot, now they know they can dance.

    However, the army/govt. won't appreciate it one bit!

  12. The Army will speak out against it because they have to... there have been complaints and they were not acting professionally...

    But I am sure they enjoyed it too. I did anyway.

  13. LOL. And Kovi hasn't even enlisted yet.

  14. omg right? can you believe they came up with that before I even joined? we are gonna have so much fun....

    BTW anonymous looked up ur soccer occupation video - it's a fake. You or someone added homemade clips into a cellcom ad, which admittedly was already in poor taste and probably leftist motivated. so, so happy I switched off cellcom...

  15. uh oh, we're not supposed to listen to music during the three weeks. i almost forgot that as i started to watch this cool video

  16. uh oh forgot that there is no music during the three weeks

  17. Concerned Spectator10:18 PM, July 06, 2010

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. That's my Nahal! Times may have changed, but this old Nahlawi (mahzor ayin daled) is glad to see that some of the spirit remains. Good for these guys for keeping a bit of humor in a dangerous job. Aleh Nahal!

  19. ok concerned spectator ur comments used to bug me, but i just want to thank you for making this blog so much more entertaining lol. i dont know what to do with u! u just crack me up! lmao cowardlingly?

  20. i should do a study on how many toilets we send into gaza each day... lol.

  21. Kovi, I thought Concerned Spectator was a joke. He's not? That's so sad.

  22. Disconcerned Spectator11:34 AM, July 09, 2010

    IDF Soldiers are simply perverse. They waste years of their lives promoting genocide and have fun doing it!

    This isn't the first time they were caught on video!

    IDF soldier boy dance

    Israeli Soldier Dancing With Arab Freedom Fighter Kids

    Soulja Boys — IDF dancing again

    Girlfriend-dance IDF Women

    And it wont be the last!

    We are watching!

  23. Oh no. The "Disconcerned Spectator" is watching IDF soldiers dance.

    Anyone who says that soldiers dancing is "promoting genocide" is clearly a joke.

    Ignore him/her. We survived Pharaoh (as the Hebrew song goes)

  24. With so many IDF Soldiers dancing in videos, why is this such a big deal?
