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Sunday, September 05, 2010

History: Israeli Police Band Performs in Moscow's Red Square

This evening, history was made when Israel's Police Marching band performed in Moscow's red square.

Normally, I wouldn't bother posting this except for two reasons:

1. A close relative is performing (!!?!)

2. I thought it was hilarious what music they started playing at 3:35 into the video. Obviously someone in the band has a great sense of humor :-)

Shavua tov.

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  1. don't get the song reference

  2. Anonymous @ 6:45 AM: don't get the song reference

    Here's a hint.

  3. Rachel: They played the tik-tok song! (which got the IDF soldiers in Hevron in trouble for their tik-tok dance...)

  4. That was hilarious. Yes, I got the song, not immediately but when they got into the, "Oh ee oh oh oh," part. Just hilarious! I know the crowd didn't get it at all.

