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Saturday, October 09, 2010

Live by the sword...

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד


  1. Brings back some emotions.
    I've been stoned, it was a night with no street lighting, did not get to run over any of them though. The chickens were on the site of the road.

  2. "Boy run over by settler says attacked 'on purpose'" cries out the Ynet headline, but what transpired when examined tells a radically different story. Many thanks to Tamir Sassi for getting this video (7:54) out to the viewing public as quickly as he did, and please forgive any errors in the subtitling as time was of the essence as the story required an immediate response. (Yosef)

    Palestinian kids and Al-Jazeera coordinate attack on Israeli driver?

  3. The most shocking thing is the mass of news photographers who rush forward. Like so much else, clearly staged. One wonders how much violence there would be without an audience.

  4. May All the heroes of the Irgun be blessed.8:43 PM, October 10, 2010

    Is it possible they were going to take that boy away to be murdered so that he could serve as a martyr like al dura? Is it possible that kids like this know they need to avoid getting injured on terrorist missions because if they do they are in danger of being kidnapped and murdered to make them part of the "body count" against the zionist settlers?

    Could this possibly have been motivating the nazi boy's utter terror at being hoisted into the vehicle?

    How many times have we seen "victims" somehow killed by a Jew firing warning shots in the air?

  5. If this isn't staged, just how many corners have their own posse of news photographers at the ready?
    If that's normal, there must be at least ten million press over there, many times the number that exist in the entire world.
    Try and explain that away.

  6. It appeared by the way the young man was holding the door frame,he wasn't to keen on getting in. Maybe he did realized that martyrdom was going to be his lot in life.

  7. If the kids were so innocent why did they have hoods over their heads?
    They learn to lie when they believe that "the end justifies the means."
