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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best Caption Ever

Straight from Yahoo (don't believe me? Check out their link here.)

Palestinian man waits to blow up

A Palestinian man waits for an inflatable Santa Claus to blow up in front of his shop in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010.

(AP Photo/Tara Todras-Whitehill)

Saved screen-snapshot for posterity from the AP/Yahoo website, for when Palestinian Terrorists / Islamic Fundamentalists force AP to remove the photo and caption from their website...(click to enlarge)

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  1. That is Hilarious!!

    the funniest thing of this sort in the past few days is this

    its walid muhammed sajj a former gtmo inmate accusing "the jews of gtmo" of torturing the inmates through witchcraft!

  2. The headline is just a hint of what awaits the Palis if they get their own state. Everything, even terrorist attacks, will have to pass through the bureaucracy, subjecting people to long lines.
