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Thursday, March 10, 2011

5 Minute Shutdown for Gilad Shalit

Well intentioned people are trying to start a nation-wide 5 minute "total shutdown" of Israel, in order to raise national consciousness of the plight of Gilad Shalit's captivity by Hamas for the past 5 years.
At 11 am on Tuesday, March 15, Israel's citizens will be asked to stop what they're doing and observe five minutes of silence – one for every year kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit has been in Hamas captivity.

The campaign organizers hope that as many people as possible will leave their homes, offices and classrooms and get out of their cars in the middle of the road – in order to remind the country's leaders that the people of Israel have not forsaken Gilad.

"My goal is to get two million people who care out on the street," said businessman and former General-Manager of the Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer club Roni Sidi, 50, who is behind the campaign. (ynet)
Unfortunately, this "5 minute" campaign will simply raise the price for gaining the return of Gilad. See the video below to understand why this 5 minute campaign is probably the worst thing we could do for Gilad...

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד


  1. Gilad is a lost cause at this point.

    We can only pray for his return.

    I think we should stop considering him as a bargaining chip for things the palestinians want. Consider him a loss and move on.

    When we devalue him enough, they may eventually want to cash in before his worth is nothing.

    (however if new intel comes in on his whereabouts that's not to say we shouldn't kick some ass and get him back!!, just not through negotiations...)

  2. I sort of see the 5 minutes of silence as a prayer for his return and the recognition that he can't be bargained for.

    Like the moment of silence on Memorial day.

  3. I'm really stuck on this whole issue...everyone is involved with this, but I in NO WAY want my actions to be interpreted in relation to freeing prisoners. This should be only for the Red Cross (who isn't watching) and maybe so Gilad (and his parents) know we do care.

    Difficult, difficult decision
