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Monday, March 28, 2011

The Ninth Plague revisited

A few days ago a sand storm hit Kuwait. Some amazed cameramen took videos as the sand storm covered the city and literally turned day into night.

Here's one of the videos.

I can just picture what Egypt must have looked after Moshe raised his hands.

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  1. Wowza. End of Days stuff... Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy ride...

    This one's for you: My captcha was "welsed." :-)

  2. Not "literally," but still a cool video!

  3. I'm still confused about sand storms, does it rain sand or not?

  4. Now I know what all that yellow sand was on my patio! All the way over here ...

  5. As Concerned Spectator's rant is not an exaggeration of some of the stuff that is being said about Israel, I can't tell if he is being sarcastic or not. That's a little sad.

  6. No; "Concerned Spectator" isn't kidding or being sarcastic at all. He's honestly expressing the views of millions of people -- and not just Moslems -- who (despite his protestations to the contrary) are certain that a judenrein world would be a perfect world. And he'll be delighted to help bring it about.

  7. I forgot. This is the troll who keeps wetting his pants every night. I deleted his comment.
