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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Machsom Watch Women Empathy

The ever-compassionate women of Machsom Watch (Funded by the New Israel Fund)...seen here is Raayah Yarom lending a shoulder of empathy to a Palestinian women who just fainted.

Her son has been arrested by the IDF for the brutal murder of the Fogel parents and 3 children from the community of Itamar.

Machsom Watch (and the New Israel Fund) didn't bother to try and offer any empathy to the surviving children of the Fogel family massacre.

Glad they have their priorities straight.


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  1. Jameel, please call the NIF one of its more accurate names...

    Non-Israel Fund
    No [More] Israel Fund
    aNti-Israel Fund
    New Arab fund
    NIF-ty (this'll press a button or two)

    You get the picture...

    Hag Same'ah, BTW. how're the matzah meal waffles this year?

  2. The Hebrew caption says something else - nothing about her son being the murderer, rather that her 14 year old daughter was arrested for questioning (sounds like the night before) and hasn't yet been released.

  3. Anonymous: You are correct. The caption doesn't mention her son was arrested and admitted to the crime...since the photo was apparently taken before he admitted to the crime.

    Amit Segal reported on Channel 2, how Machsom Watch women were busy empathizing with the Awarta villiage...and in response, Chagit Beck from Machsom Watch called Amit Segal, "a scion in a long line of terrorists" (because he is from a family of settlers).

    She also said, "she has difficulty identifying with the Fogel family in Itamar because they don't carry PA ID cards."

    From here:

  4. i'm here for more than thirty years, but this story - Israelis that have no Jewish identity at all - hit me hard.

    BTW, I don't know if it is you Jameel or Rotter, but Amit Segal's father was in the "Jewish Underground," did time and wrote the book "Dear Brothers" about it.

