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Thursday, March 01, 2012

Woohoo, snowboarding down the Hermon

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  1. So far, the Hermon got all the snow, and Jerusalem got all the rain! Missed out on that snow they promised us. I feel like it's been raining for 40 days and nights ;-)

  2. Gosh. We took a trip up North to the Golan, and we couldn't go up the Hermon road. It was closed because of 10 centimeters (about 3-4 inches) of snow--a mere dusting. And my daughter missed seeing snow so much. What a disappointment. I also heard that they close down the country when there is a little snow (including the schools).

    But we did see, as we turned around to descend, a busload of Haredim, stripped to the waist, rubbing themselves all over with some snow that someone had brought down the mountain in a tub.
    Good grief.

    It's POURING in Tel-Aviv as I write this in my daughter's komat karka apartment. A bit damp, I might add...

    Purim Sameach to you.
