Thursday, June 30, 2011
Video: Why the Gaza Flotillas are a SHAM
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Priority Post
- Flotilla on the way (with chemical weapons onboard?)
- Suspected IDF sabotage of Flotilla ships?
- Egypt is being taken over by Islamists
- Iran is getting nuclear weapons
- PA is inciting to kill Israelis and seeking to get a state in September
- BDS boycotts against Israel
- Successful Counter-Boycott of Scotch Whisky in WDC.
- Arrest of R' Dov Lior for writing a letter of approval for the book, "Torat HaMelech"
- Cottage Cheese and dairy product consumer boycott in Israel
- Female Religious Cadet continues IAF fighter pilot's course (link)
- PM: Anti Missile Systems Crucial for Peace with Palestinians (link) HUH? (maybe reread that a few times till it makes sense...I still don't get it...silly me, I thought Peace means no missiles....terrorism....incitement....
- ALIYAH -- Is it so much better in the USA?
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Animal Rights or Antisemitism?
But as memory of the Holocaust fades, Antisemitism, merely suppressed and not eradicated, has come back out of the closet in full force.
Today, Antisemitism still wears a façade in order to make it socially acceptable, but I hardly expect that façade to be required for much longer.
The most common veneer we see used today is simply saying ‘Israel’ and ‘Zionist’ instead of ‘Jew’.
But there is also the type that hides behind the activities of many “rights” groups, such as human rights, animal rights, Palestinian rights, etc, recent examples include the BDS movement, and trying to ban circumcision and kosher slaughter (Shechitah).
Under the guise of ‘animal rights’, Holland just signaled their intent to ban kosher slaughter in their country (the JC article isn't 100% correct, see the end of the post). How much longer before they ban the import of kosher meat too?
Of course, Holland being an enlightened country will not outright ban kosher slaughter, instead they will ban any method of slaughter that does not first stun the animal, which as a known side-effect renders it unkosher. They allegedly did this out of concern for animal rights and suffering.
Or did they?
There are those that posit that this was done as a backlash against the growing Moslem community and that specifically Geert Wilder's PVV party was using this to attack the Moslems, using the tacit support of animal rights groups in Holland to get it passed.
It is clear enough that Geert Wilders is NOT Antisemitic (though he seems to me to be anti-Islam (but not anti-Moslem)), but I don't think he had good enough advisers that understood the difference (or cared) enough to differentiate between the slaughter methods.
Only this plan backfired (if it were true, because it is also clear that Wilders found himself stuck in a political mess created by these animal rights groups.).
Just as Hallal meat has no problem with short and non-straight knifes, which can be painful and ineffective (and cause other problems) in their slaughter method, it potentially can work with certain pre-stunning methods, though not all. So only Jewish Shechitah will be banned as a result, Not Moslem slaughter (Dhabihah).
If they really wanted to target Hallal slaughter methods, the government would have legislated knife requirements and cutting methods. Jewish slaughter methods and requirements are 100% acceptable to Moslems, and this would have removed any possible inhumane aspects from Hallal slaughter.
Out of curiosity I decided to see how concerned the Dutch government really is when it comes to animal suffering and animal rights.
There are other activities that typically cause much far more pain and suffering to animals. And many people see it as simply cruel behavior.
If that activity were banned in the Netherlands, then at least they could make a case that this was about animal rights and not an agenda driven by hidden Antisemitism.
But as it turns out, the Dutch government doesn’t really care much about animal suffering at all.

You see, hunting in Holland is legal, and it certainly does not require that you stun your prey before you shoot at it from 50 yards hoping to hit the poor animal.
So while there are approximately 45,000 Jews still living in the Netherlands, many of whom rely on the humane method of Kosher slaughter which may soon be illegal, we can compare that to some 30,000 Dutch citizens who have licenses to hunt and try to kill animals from a distance, for sport, without stunning them first and certainly with no minimal guarantees the animals won’t suffer from this.
That’s not hypocrisy. That’s overt Antisemitism.
Just to point out the obvious, the Holocaust began just a few short years after the Nazi party (and friends) began banning Kosher slaughter (Shechitah).
Meanwhile, the only light here is that certain items in the bill are not yet 100% clear - nor has the exact wording been publicized. The bill that passed today had one definite change. All slaughter will now require licensing and the applicant organization has the responsibility to prove that its method of slaughtering is humane.
This still leaves a window open for Kosher slaughter, which is done with the highest of standards.
Furthermore, this law still has to pass through another House where the animal rights nuts are less influential, and where (ironically) the Moslems have more influence on the main parties.
The only thing clear about all this is that there is a lot of Antisemitism driving these various activists groups and they are becoming more blatant about it every day.
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Sunday, June 26, 2011
Unemployment in Israel: All Time Low!
Israel's unemployment rate has reached an all-time low, standing at only 5.8% in April – a total of 186,000 unemployed people, despite the rise in the number of workers joining the labor market.Aliya, anyone?
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said Thursday, "I promised to bring down the unemployment rate in Israel to less than 6% within four years, and we did it within as little as two years." (ynetnews)
Nefesh bNefesh is standing by to help!
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Whisky Counter-Boycott Scores!
A little more pressure and the West Dunbartonshire Council will crumble and rescind their boycott of Israel!
Thanks to all those across the globe for making this happen!
Scottish gov't disavows Israeli boycott
ADAM KREDOScore ONE against the BDS movement!
Many Jewish Scotch drinkers were drunk with anger -- almost to the point of vomiting -- when a small village in Scotland enacted a ban on Israeli-made goods last year.
The town, West Dunbartonshire, is home to many distilleries that produce a brand of booze considered sacred by many alcohol-guzzling Jews: Scotch whisky.
But when the West Dubartonshire Council passed a motion to boycott all Israeli goods in 2009, Jewish activists responded with a counter-boycott. As much as it pained their palettes, Jewish Scotch enthusiasts put an embargo on all whisky products originating from distilleries in West Durbantonshire. (This reporter, however, kept his bottle open, and imbibed with pleasure.)
Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), not a Jew, was one of the few in Congress to take this issue seriously (which is a good thing). Kirk quickly realized that while the Scots may be perpetually sloshed, those in the West Durbantonshire Council were demonizing Israel in a serious way.
"The Scottish Government and the Scottish National Party have a responsibility to speak out against attempts to delegitimize and castigate a fellow democracy and strong Scottish ally like Israel," Senator Kirk said in a statement.
Kirk demanded that the Scottish Government take a stand: Are they on board with the local council's anti-Israel boycott?
When a powerful lawmaker like Kirk demands answers, he soon gets them: The Scottish Government and the Scottish National Party today strongly disavowed the West Dunbartonshire Council's boycott of Israel (via the British embassy).
Kirk praised the move.
"I welcome the Scottish Government's decision to disavow the West Dunbartonshire Council's boycott of Israel and urge the First Minister to take further steps to reaffirm the Scottish-Israeli relationship," he said in the statement. (Washington Jewish Week)
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Tom Friedman: Latma Lampoon Video
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Thursday, June 23, 2011
Live @ The President's Conference
Live Blogging it now: 11:42 AM...
The format is bloggers asking Peres questions...
Q: What is the single greatest issue dividing Israel and Diaspora Jewry:
The president didn't answer the original question, and replied with his 3 core issues of what the relations with Israel should be based on:
A: Return to understanding what Judaism is: readopt the 10 commandments...and help Israel survive; militarily, economically, and spiritually.
Some basic questions were asked...whats the best way to market Israel, what would you tell advocates for Israel on US someone from La Figaro (France) is asking a question.
A 15 year old blogger asked a question, though I'm not sure who he is (thought he might be Daniel Pereg) but I don't think its him. He asked whats the best way to market Israel, and Peres replied to be a moral person.
It's fun seeing all these bloggers I haven't had the chance to see in a while; David from Jewlicious, Aussie Dave, The Big Felafel blog, Esther from myurbankvetch, Sarah from the WorldWell (and Jewlicious), Carl from Israel Matzav and others (will fill in the hyperlinks later).
Peres says we have 60% of the support of the American people.
Q: Since you like science, do you also science fiction? Is there anything from science fiction you h that helps you look forward?
A: Computers are moving everything forward at a tremendous rate. Yet we don't understand the human brain. I think the coming 10 years will be devoted to the mind. Since there won't be a world government, there can be self government (People will know what makes them happy, angry or sad, and this will help themselves).
Is education a service or an investment? To educate is to produce.
The same goes for health. If you don;t have healthy people, you can't produce.
People need to not only extend their life expectancy, but to make their lives more meaningful.
People should invest in science and labs, not the stock market.
Shoshana from The Third Sector: Currently non profits are very poor, and the answer isn't getting money anymore from the US. I believe the third sector should be supported by the government and businesses. What do you think?
I think people need 2 passports; national and global.
Our national passport should be spiritual and cultural...whats going on at home.
Different doesn't mean inferior.
Borders are not important; identities are.
I don't understand how he answered the question...whatever.
Question from IBA reporter: Many believe the Cottage Cheese Boycott is indicative of the prohibitive cost of living in Israel?
Answer: We need to change our agenda. Education is more important than money. The earning of a person with an academic degree is 30% more income .
I want to see every girl and boy have free academic education. I want to see army service to include a university education, and that every outgoing soldier will have a BA degree.
Education is entry to a better world and a better income.
We need to change our concepts. Producing is by education and better health.
As there is a physical gym, there is an intellectual gum to exercise your mind as you can your body.
If you eat 3 times a day, you'll get fat. If you read 3 times a day, you'll be wise. Better to be wiser than fatter.
We used to be a land of milk and honey, now we are a land of cottage cheese and chips.
We have the highest rate of milk production per cow in the world.
Even raising salaries, but food costs more, you haven't achieved anything.
We need to change the cost of the way from the cow to the consumer. Why are we paying more? We need to check it profoundly and carefully. The victims are the middle class and the large families.
No matter how rich you are; rich and poor pay the same for an egg and glass of milk. For the rich its nothing. For everyone else, its very serious. By increasing the price of commodities you are hurting people, making income raises meaningless. We need to correct this as soon as possible.
Peres op.
My Jimmy Wales: Founder of Wikipedia up next...
The entire team of the Jewlicious blog are asking questions from Jimmy about Wikipedia.
Wales: We need better tools for ranking WikiPedia pages to see if people like the sources and wikipedia article entries.
The mission for wikipedia is for their to be a free encyclopedia for everyone person on the planet, in their own language.
Q: The Western Wall has 2 complete different entries with different information between them on the Arabic and English Wikipedia entries.
Its a human process. Quality comes first. How do each of us see outside our own frameworks.
Jameel's thoughts (in my head): Facts are irrelevant when "narratives" are introduced...the Arabic articles in Wikipedia are lies, denying the existence of the Jewish Temples. Yet, these are considered the Arab "narrative" (their own make believe version of history).
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
Roll over Menachem Begin
Work done by the Jerusalem Municipality to pave the path near the grave was ripped up and nearby trees were uprooted.
Everyone in charge is aware that the illegal construction is going on, but no one is doing anything about it - because of the "sensitive nature" of stopping it (presumably the Arabs will riot). So instead they pass the buck.
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Jonathan Pollard's father passed away
Jonathan was not allowed to visit his father on his deathbed, despite pleas to Obama from many sources (including those in the US government).

Will Jonathan be allowed to go to the funeral? He was not allowed to go to the funeral of his mother.
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
Naama Shafir to Play!
But now the Israel Basketball Association and FIBA have reached a compromise where Naama will be allowed to play, but instead of a t-shirt, she'll have to wear a skin-toned sleeves (perhaps a lycra top?).
I'm not sure how that will look, but if we get a picture we'll post it.
Good luck Naama. Good luck Israel.
source: Ha'aretz
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Explosion in Netanya
Firemen taking out Sifrei Torah from the shul that was in the building.
(Photo: George Ginzberg)

We are updating this post as details come in. There is a lot of confusion and unknowns still at this point.

Explosion occurred just after midnight.

(In 2003 Cafe London was targeted by a suicide bomber.)
Police now suspect a gas leak in a 3rd floor apartment caused the explosion. Police have arrested at least one suspect they believe may have cut a gas line.
The 4 story building is in danger of collapse from the explosion.
In other news, a Grad missile was launched Thursday night from Gaza. No injuries as it landed in an open field.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Scottish Paper on Whisky Counter Boycott
"ANGRY Israeli nationals have launched a counter-boycott against Scotch Whisky companies, including Dumbarton's Chivas Brothers.The Dumbarton Reporter thinks the counter boycott is limited to Israel? Haven't they been following the news? This is a HUGE, GLOBAL boycott...with tens of thousands of participants!
The move was arranged by a group of online bloggers in response to West Dunbartonshire Council's (WDC) decision to ban the importation of any goods manufactured or produced in the Middle-eastern state." (Dumbarton Reporter)
The West Dunbartonshire Council is simply a pack of morons. Here's what their spokesman had to say;
But a spokesman for WDC hit back at the latest move saying: "The boycott on the purchase of Israeli goods was a decision taken unanimously by West Dunbartonshire councillors in January 2009 in an attempt to highlight the Israeli state's unacceptable use of force in the Occupied Territories. The recent coverage of this decision has been utterly sensationalist, with reports of a ban on Israeli books in our libraries nothing more than a fabrication by mischievous sections of the media.Actually, the whisky counter-boycott specifically mentions the unanimous decision of the WDC, and my letter of protest iniating the boycott clearly relates to their malicous claims of the "Israeli state's unacceptable use of force in the Occupied Territories."
I guess knowing how to read isn't a qualification for the West Dunbartonshire Council's spokesman.
"These articles have incited complaints, many of them unsavoury, from people who don't know the facts.Yes, we are complaining that the WDC initiated a one-sided, immoral boycott against the only democracy in the Middle East, without any mention whatsoever of the brutal Palestinian terrorism against Israel's civilian population.
Once again, its the WDC that doesn't know that facts...and is in fact, rather clueless.
"The latest of these is the threat of a counter-boycott. We appreciate the concerns of local business and recognise their importance to the economy of West Dunbartonshire. We have asked to be kept informed of any impact on sales in the coming weeks and months to determine the credibility of these threats."Ooops.
He added: "The council unreservedly stands behind its decision on the boycott and the fact Stirling Council has taken the same stance, and councillors in Dundee are keen to follow suit clearly shows we do not stand alone on this issue."
I guess the Dundee Council voting against the resolution 24-2 shows the WDC does indeed, stand alone on the issue.
Please don't confuse the WDC with the could upset their anti-Semitism.
Keep on writing the Distillers of West Dunbartonshire!
Keep the counter-boycott going strong!
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Dundee Scottish Council Rejects Boycott Against Israel
Our global counter-boycott of the West Dunbartonshire Council is now a proven deterrence against Scottish Councils boycotting Israel.
For some odd reason, Scottish councils have the need to blather on and on about the Middle East and offering their "expert" opinion on how it should run. Aren't they responsible simply for running the local municipality and making sure the garbage gets collected?
Despite the best efforts of the BDS Anti-Semites, the Dundee Council rejected the proposed boycott of Israel and emphatically stated;
It should be noted that there has never been a ban on buying or lending books by Israeli authors in libraries in Dundee.Keep the counter-boycott pressure on the Whisky Distillers and Bottlers...and the West Dunbartonshire Council will drop their boycott as well.
Dundee City Council does not boycott any goods or services from Israel. (source and source)
Read all about the Updated Counter Boycott, here.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Easy Guide to understanding Human Rights Activists
Click to Enlarge. Hattip: Elder of Ziyon

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Whisky Counter-Boycott Update #1

Update #1
The Global Whisky Counter-boycott is directed at the West Dunbartonshire Council in Scotland, which is boycotting Israel. Their boycott which extends to all products from Israel includes a ban on all Israeli books.
That has not stopped them from purchasing "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and Mein Kampf, in the name of "free speech". (link)
West Dunbartonshire Council member, Jim Bollan, (Scottish Socialist Party) who is spearheading the anti-Israel boycott has come out publicly in defense of the Palestinian murderers of the Fogel family, in which the murderers expressed no regret for their heinous and brutal terrorism.
Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their children were murdered, and the youngest victim, three month old Hadas, was decapitated by the friends of West Dunbartonshire Council member, Jim Bollan. (link)
The counter-boycott of Whiskys distilled OR bottled in the West Dunbartonshire Council Region of Scotland is extremely important as 10 other Scottish councils are considering similar, anti-semitic and anti-Israel boycotts -- the success of the current counter boycott will act as a deterrant against other Scottish Councils. Email the bottlers and distillers of whiskys in the West Dunbartonshire Council Region and let them know your outrage at the antisemitic and anti-Zionist boycott...and that you cannot sit by idly while Israel is maligned by West Dunbartonshire Council.
1. Kudos to the JPost for their excellent article about the counter boycott, which is gaining popularity around the globe. "Kiddush clubs declare boycott on Scottish whiskey" (link). Many newspapers have picked this up as well...The Forward...and organizations as well CiF Watch, etc.
2. Letters Received from the Distillers:
3. Whisky UpdatesDear Jameel,
We have received your email regarding West Dunbartonshire Council’s boycott of Israeli products and your views on this decision. Neither Morrison Bowmore Distillery nor Auchentoshan take any political stance and this policy has been made independently from us and without our consultation.
Auchentoshan has invested significantly in working with its many friends and supporters around the world, including the Jewish community and the Kosher London Beth Din, where we recently certified our Auchentoshan Classic as a Kosher Single Malt Whisky.
As a business we recognise the concerns you have expressed regarding this policy. We are forwarding your email and separately writing to the West Dunbartonshire Council to ensure it is made fully aware of the potential implications of its policy.
As a valued friend of Auchentoshan we would very much appreciate your
continued support.
Kind regards,
Head of Brands Marketing
Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd
------Thank you for contacting Chivas Brothers and its sister company, Pernod Ricard USA, regarding the attributed decision of The West Dunbartonshire Council in Scotland to participate in the BDS campaign (Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions) against Israel.
Please be assured that the West Dunbartonshire Council does not represent the views of Chivas Brothers and Pernod Ricard USA.
Pernod Ricard USA is a long and proud supporter of several leading Jewish causes, including the UJA Federation of New York, which has worked for decades to improve the quality of life for millions of Israelis.
While some Chivas Brothers brands are bottled in Dumbarton, none of its whiskies are distilled in this region and both The Glenlivet and Chivas Regal are bottled at their site in Paisley and not Dumbarton.
Thanks for sharing your concerns with us and we hope that this makes it clear that Chivas Brothers is not associated with the views attributed to the West Dunbartonshire Council. We will be passing on any correspondence on this subject to West Dunbartonshire council so they are fully aware of the potential implications of their policy.”
Catherine SERVIER
PA to Denis FIEVET
VP Investor relations
12 Place des Etats Unis
75016 PARIS
T: +33 1 41 00 41 71
F: +33 1 41 00 42 32
For the sake of accuracy, the following list is based on the reports of expert Whiskys afficinados living in Scotland who are extremely familiar with the Whiskys in West Dunbartonshire.
This is the most up to date and accurate list as of June 14, 2011 of Whiskys Distilled OR Bottled in West Dunbartonshire.
Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd.
Distillers and bottlers of:
Loch Lomond Distillery Co. Ltd
Distillers and bottlers of:
Loch Lomond, Scots Earl, Distillery Select, Littlemill, Croftengea, Craigslodge, Inchmurrin, Glen Douglas, Inchfad
Chivas Brothers
Distillers and bottlers of:
Single Malts: Glenlivet, Aberlour, Longmorn, Strathisla, Scapa, Tormore
Blends: Chivas Regal, Ballantine's, Royal Salute, Clan Campbell, 100 Pipers, Something Special, Passport
Gins: Beefeater Dry Gin, Plymouth
4. Kudos to Kiddush Clubs around the world who are joining the struggle against immoral and unethical boycotts of Israel.
Some include:
Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs - FJMC (link)
International Kiddush Club (link)
Kiddish club of the Old City of Jerusalem
If your Kiddush Club joins the counter-boycott, please let us know and we'll proudly add you to the list! Email us at
Keep up the great work!
Jameel Rashid
The Muqata Blog
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What's with the crazy weather?
There are dark storm clouds in the morning, but no rain.
It's windy, but feels like there's no air half the time.
And it's windy cold, except when it gets stifling hot, only to alternate again.
It's the middle of June and I'm going out with a fleece jacket in the morning, but taking it off every now and then so I don't overheat when it suddenly gets hot.
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Monday, June 13, 2011
More offshore gas on the way
This field's development was held up as it was feared that part of the field straddles or overlaps the offshore territories that we gave away to the Arabs in Gaza (are they part of the PA, or are they not?).
Noble Energy studied the fields and determined in the end that the field doesn't spill over.
The field will be tapped for short term/immediate emergency use as Egyptian supplied gas has become unreliable.
There is an estimated 1.2 Billion cubic meters of gas in this field.
Source: JPost.
There's nothing like self-sufficiency.
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Friday, June 10, 2011
Friday Protests reach the Kotel
I'm waiting for the condemnation of this attack.
I really think it's time we start taking the prayers back to where it belongs, on Har Habayit itself.
Shabbat Shalom
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Thursday, June 09, 2011
Naama Shafir booted from European Championships
That is one of two things that make her unusual. The second is that she is careful about Tzniut (modesty) and wears a t-shirt under her uniform.
This has never been a problem in Ohio or Israel where she is apparently considered a star player.
But that's not good in Poland where Naama's team is due to play.
European rules require that all team players dress exactly alike, and as such, Naama was disqualified from playing.
First of all, Naama: Great Kiddush Hashem on your part.
Second, who the hell wants to go to Poland anyway. They're still just a bunch of anti-Semites there.
source: Ha'aretz (and check out all the anti-Semitic comments while you're at it.)
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Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Remember the Peaceful Mavi Marmara?
Well, Yediot (Hebrew) has released photos of armed

As for the IDF, these pictures aren't from them. They have their own set of photos which they haven't released yet - for reasons that are beyond me. I'd like to say, better late than never, but that doesn't even apply yet.
h/t Imra
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Monday, June 06, 2011
IDF Homefront Command to Hack "Kosher" phones

The IDF Homefront Command tested a new, additional system today; in the event of a critical emergency, urgent messages can be sent to entire geographic locations in Israel, by the IDF.
Of course, this presented a problem for the Chareidi population that only uses "Kosher" cellphones, which in addition to zero internet connectivity, these phones also blocks all SMS reception and sending.
Therefore, in conjunction with the "Board of Rabbis for Communications", the IDF is creating a "workaround" which allows for SMS messages to be sent even to those "Kosher" cellphones, which under normal circumstances do not receive any SMS messages.
In an interview with Kol Chai Radio today, Lt. Col. Gil Hoffman, head of "Computer, Networking, and Emergency Alert" division of the IDF's Homefront Command, said that about three hundred thousand "kosher" devices will be connected to the emergency broadcast service. "We're currently in an initial phase of the project. Only we [the IDF] are allowed to send these messages and security posts. It not only alerts for missiles, but also warnings against dangerous events, hazardous materials, fires, or urgent warnings from the Ministry of Health, for example, if residents Bene Brak would need boil their water prior to drinking it."
Source: rotter
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Opening eyes and minds
One of Gidon’s goals during his term as Minister of Education is to return to the education system parts of it that were uprooted by former holders of this important position. Specifically those parts related to basic Judaism.
In February he announced that he was introducing 1-day trips for high school students to Hebron and Ma’arat Hamachpela (Tomb of the Patriarchs).
The Left went bonkers. Every explanation was given as to why this idea should be killed before it got off the ground, “the Occupation”, security, brainwashing (no kidding, the head of Meretz said that), you name it.
The idea that Jewish children would visit the city and tomb of our ancestors, what was once King David’s royal city, frightens the bejeebers out of the Left – after all, what might the students learn there? Jewish history?
Attempts were made to block this program. Attempts were made to limit it to State-Religious schools. Attempts were apparently made to frighten the parents with scare stories.
But Gidon was determined that all the students of Israel learn the basics of their heritage, not just the religious ones.
This past week, the pilot program kicked off with students of a state (not religious) school from Beit Shemesh. Participation was optional, and despite that, there was over 95% attendance from 11th and 12th graders (and not a few parents too who tagged along).
The students visited the Ma’arah and read some psukim from the Torah related to Avraham’s purchase of the cave. Afterwards they visited Beit Hadassah (read the link).

Jews are only permitted in around 7% of the city. The other 93% is Judenrein, so there is a limit to how many places Jews can visit in Hebron, though we do have access to most of the important grave-sites of our ancestors.
Meanwhile, the students’ responses were amazing.
The kids asked basic questions such as, “Why haven’t we heard about this place before? How is this place so close, yet we never came here before? How come this history isn’t taught in school?”
And the discussions were open. Students asked about the Arab-Jewish relationships and other relevant issues of the day.
Ignorance was not part of this curriculum.
In short, while Meretz wanted to keep Jewish children ignorant of their history and their ties to their country, Gidon Saar opened their eyes to what Meretz and the Left are desperate to hide.
The truth.
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It's un-American
The Rebbe may have been wrong. It may take until November.
What’s been going on, on US campuses is scary. There’s no question about it. And there’s no doubt there is a strong underlying stream of Anti-Semitism driving it (not just anti-Zionism as some claim).
But I think what is happening in San Francisco beats the university problem hands down.
What is happening there with the anti-Brit Mila movement can be described as nothing less than an attack on, not just Judaism, but the most basic American concept of separation of Church and State, and Freedom of Worship – and that is something that has kept the Jews of America safe.

This bill is an undisguised attempt to use American law to outlaw one of the most important of Jewish laws and rituals, and eventually spread that restriction throughout America.
Furthermore, it is being done with the use of the most grotesque of anti-Semitic imagery that would do the Nazis proud.
You could try to write it off as just another example of San Francisco fruitcakes in action, but it much more than that.
This is a serious attack on Jews in California, Jews in America’s 13th largest city and Jews of America in general.
Unless it is overwhelmingly voted down and condemned by most, whether or not this bill passes, it will be a serious blow to Jews of America.
In fact, it is already a serious blow, I just don’t know if Jews in America realize how serious it is. The attack is un-American, and if this attitude spreads, that is what will make it dangerous for the Jews of America - until now the attacks were on "Israeli" symbols, now they don't even bother to hide that it really is against Jews.
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Friday, June 03, 2011
Best Peace Plan Ever! The ONE State Solution
h/t: Elder of Zion.
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Thursday, June 02, 2011
Ramallah-El-Bireh: Palestinian Jews forced to Convert to Islam
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Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Jerusalem 1948 - The Jewish Naqba
The Jews of Jerusalem became refugees.
I received an email today from Hadar-Israel with reprints of old Life Magazine photographs taken by John Phillips in May and June 1948. I share them with you. (Life Magazine's Pictures of Jerusalem 1948 - all photos by John Phillips © Time Inc., Courtesy of

What the Arabs did to the Jewish homes and neighborhood after the Jews were evacuated.
Jameel Updates: I found that these are part of a huge collection, all originally posted on the Ben-Atlas Blog: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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