Was it because he had just heard that his fellow-Palestinian were rioting in Israel and causing injuries to Jews? Could it be that he had just heard that a 16-month-old Israeli baby suffered moderate injuries when a stone struck her head in a Palestinian riot between Tapuah and Migdalim junctions? (Picture from the Samaria Regional Council, released by the family)

Mahmoud Abbas: Its almost Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year -- you too can repent!
The time for your teshuva is now, and you can still ask your people to stop the hatred, stop the terror and stop the incitement.
Saying the Shma is a good first step.
Your friends from the Muqata.
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Awesome! :-)
Obviously what he needs to do, after he fixes the map on the proposed new state's seal.
Again I was laughing over another 'one-liner' when I saw the photo and the laugh turned into a gasp. the world is due for a big slap!
Every one could become Jewish - just by reciting the Shema in Hebrew once!
Does it mean Abu Bluff is an Arab converso?
For all the Shema fans out there:
Here's another photo of Abu Mazen saying Shema on a different occasion.
And another.
And yet another.
And one more.
Arik Sharon saying Shema.
Homer Simpson saying Shema.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander William Riker both saying Shema.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden both saying Shema.
Wow! This is a classic.
Such an elegant and well articulated pronounciation.
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