Around a year ago, I was lambasted on the blog for calling a girl a "girl" in a post I wrote, instead of calling her a woman, even though the other female readers of this blog freely use the pejorative "girl" for girls of the same age as the one I talked about.
In the comments I exposed that double-standard, but at the time I don't recall mentioning the insane hypersensitivity and political correctness that drove the response.
This week I watched with amazement two other incidents (not involving me) showcasing more examples of this hypersensitivity and insane political correctness.
In the first case, Dov Hikind dressed up for Purim as a basketball player. A black basketball player, mind you. And for that he's going to hell, and his career is almost certainly damaged.
Because apparently you can dress up as anything on Halloween or Purim, except as a black man (or am I supposed to say African-American).
In the second case, Seth MacFarlane made some amusing jokes about Jews controlling the Hollywood movie industry, during the Oscar ceremonies. As a result, he was attacked for it by the Jewish watchdogs.
What?! Are you people insane?
A comedian suddenly can't make jokes about something that is pretty darn near close to true, or certainly used to be.
This hypersensitivity is out of control.
Neither man had any racist intent in their acts or statement. Neither were aware that what they did would be considered racist or insensitive.
And why should they have?
People don't costume up as Chassidim? As Italian Mafiosos? As Arabs? As Rastafarians? You can get all those costumes in the store.
But a black man is off limits? Or is it that costuming as a black basketball player if off limits because it's a stereotype. Though what kind of stereotype can it be when
78% of basketball players are black?
And look how many Hollywood producers and
actors are Jewish (or of Jewish descent at least). You've got to be an idiot to not see that.
But apparently it's now wrong to point that out. (Unless you're John Stewart, in which case it's OK, presumably because he's Jewish).
What's next?
Is it going to be racist to point out how many Jewish Nobel prize winners there are? Is that an offensive stereotype too?
It really is time that this hypersensitivity got toned down, and save it for real racism.
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