Thursday, February 14, 2008

Facing Problems in the Middle East

There are plenty of misguided Israelis who think that the elimination of terrorists is a bad thing.  They say, "the price isn't worth it" -- because they are worried about possible upcoming "revenge" terror attacks.  The fact remains, Mugniyah was planning many more attacks against Israel and Jewish targets around the world, and his elimination will make it harder for Hizbollah to carry them out.  They may still happen, but probably less successfully than they could have been.  Israel's security services may find out in advance and foil them.  Yet to bemoan the killing of terrorists is to run away from your problems -- and demonstrates you have no backbone to fight for your own liberty. 
Negotiating with terror brings more terror.  
Capitualist and sad excuse for a journalist, Larry Defrner demonstrates the same logic in his new article, "Run Away, Run Away", "Rattling the Cage: Compensation for Sderot".  Afraid of his own shadow, Derfner is afraid to use military force to advance any solution for the battered residents of Sederot.  His solution? 

"SO WHAT should the state do for these 20,000 people since it can't offer them a future any more secure than the last seven years have been? The state should do the only thing it can do - compensate them financially. Pay them damages.  

If Israel can't give these people security, doesn't it owe them a chance to find security on their own? I'm not saying the state should relocate them, or build houses for them, or "disengage" from Sderot. No one should force them to leave. I'm suggesting that the state give each family a big chunk of compensation money that they can use any way they want - to stay in Sderot and pay off their debts, or put the money away for their children's future - or, alternatively, to move out of Sderot and rent or buy a home somewhere that's safe.

Israel can afford to do this. Israel can easily afford to do this. There are about 4,000 families in Sderot, including the nearly 1,000 that have left in the last few years; for $1 billion, Israel could give each family $250,000, which would be more than enough for them to relocate if they wanted.

For Israel today, that's not a lot of money at all. We already get $3 billion from the US every year. On top of that, the 2007 budget surplus - the money the government had left over at the end of last year - was close to $2 billion."

As an outspoken supporter of the Disengagement, Derfner should know that the government is very bad at compensation.  Just go visit the Gush Katif refugees and see how they live today; trails of broken promises of homes, communities and jobs are all the State of Israel has to offer.

Is Derfner so blind as to suggest that running away from Sederot without realizing it will only encourage the Palestinians in Gaza to continue their attacks on us, till they reach Derfner's backyard?  I guess he'll be first in line at Ben Gurion airport awaiting a ticket and compensation.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael   טובה הארץ מאד מאד

1 comment:

Veev said...

I am bombarded with news briefs and reports that Hizbolla is planning attacks in the near future. And I'll admit that I'm not a Muqata reader, although Air used to be. However, I have spoken to you on the phone, and I know that you are often the voice of reason and logic.

"Mugniyah was planning many more attacks against Israel and Jewish targets around the world, and his elimination will make it harder for Hizbollah to carry them out. They may still happen, but probably less successfully than they could have been."

Thanks. Good to know as I'm flying out soon.

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