Plans have been established, the action has started -- creating facts on the ground. This time its not just the "Noar Hagva'ot" (Hilltop Youth), but mayors and regional leaders that have decided to take action.
We were just sent pictures from one such "illegal" construction site in what was once a legal, law-abiding town.
Seen "illegally" pouring, mixing concrete, and building at this site are various heads of Judea and Samaria municipalities, elected officials and regional leaders from Yehuda, Shomron, Gush Etzion, as well as mayors from various towns in Israel. Rabbi Riskin was there (which should give you a hint that it happened in Efrat, since R' Riskin is the Chief Rabbi there).
The clear message was sent out to Bibi and Barack, "You will have to arrest every single Jewish leader in this country for illegal construction, because we don't accept your illegal, undemocratic freeze."
Update: I was told that Rabbi Riskin said that when the police, army, and inspectors come, no one is to raise their hands or voices against them, but to lie down in front of their vehicles -- so I guess he is saying we should take it lying down!
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Passive protest en masse - if you guys manage, it would be such a Kiddush Hashem, and I hope you do!!
Joe Settler and Jameel are fortunate the "freeze" hasn't been applied yet to the Internet.
Oops! I don't want to give Ehud Barak's Civil Administration thugs any ideas.
Long live the Resistance! V is for Victory!
I was in LA before the disengagement, visiting family. A middle-aged couple from Efrat was visiting at my wife's relatives home, and we went there for shabbat lunch dessert. Talk turned to the anti - disengagement protests. The man from Efrat passionately raised his voice at the table, saying how these hooligans were embarrassing the religious Jews by lying down in the roads, blocking traffic to protest.
I mentioned that non-violent resistance was the cornerstone counter-balance of a democracy, and Martin Luther King, Jr demonstrated its efficacy.
The man from Efrat sneered and said something about MLK being a womanizer. I answered that his personal life had no bearing on the success and justice of the path he took in public discourse.
I hope this man has learned that, when they come for Gush Katif, and you are silent because you are from the other Gush, they will eventually come for you, as well.
The battle for the land of Israel is on again, and I am glad to see Rabbi Riskin on the side of non-violent resistance to authority when authority goes against our conscience. I hope the man from Efrat that I met those years ago has changed.
I'm reminded of what the old Jewish man in "V" says to his foolish grandson: "We haven't learned a thing." But he remembered. Resistance to evil is just the act of defiance. There's the now famous scene where the old Jewish man awaits the troopers who come for him and greets them with: "Shalom!" Defiance is its own message to the oppressors. And as we all know from the Torah, the more the Jews were persecuted and oppressed, the more they grew in numbers into a "mighty nation."
History is repeating itself before our very own eyes.
I saw this online:
Take 6 wood shipping pallets, they are free from local businesses.
Paint 2 red to match the tile roofs on Jewish homes. Paint the remaining 4 to look like the exterior walls of a house.
Shlep the 6 pallets to the top of a remote hill that is completely inaccessible by any motor vehicle. The longer it takes you to get to the top, the better.
Assemble the new mini settler house (you can use rope, wire, heavy duty electrical cable ties or doubletapper nails to hold them together).
Call the news agencies, email them blurry pictures of the new illegal outpost from you cell phone. They will pass the information on to the authorities who will dispatch the "special" units of 50 or more police to evict the settlers and destroy the new outpost.
Do this 20 times per week in 20 different locations.
Take lots of pictures and videos of the "special" officers smashing tiny homes and post them all over the internet.
This type of action will exhaust the "special" units and reduce their efficacy.
Have fun! When life hands you lemons...
Take 6 wood shipping pallets, they are free from local businesses.
Paint 2 red to match the tile roofs on Jewish homes. Paint the remaining 4 to look like the exterior walls of a house.
Shlep the 6 pallets to the top of a remote hill that is completely inaccessible by any motor vehicle. The longer it takes you to get to the top, the better.
Assemble the new mini settler house (you can use rope, wire, heavy duty electrical cable ties or doubletapper nails to hold them together).
Call the news agencies, email them blurry pictures of the new illegal outpost from you cell phone. They will pass the information on to the authorities who will dispatch the "special" units of 50 or more police to evict the settlers and destroy the new outpost.
Do this 20 times per week in 20 different locations.
Take lots of pictures and videos of the "special" officers smashing tiny homes and post them all over the internet.
This type of action will exhaust the "special" units and reduce their efficacy.
Have fun! When life hands you lemons...
Hmmmm....I have thought for years that if the Palestinians would just adopt non-violent methods, they would get their state. It would be very hard to justify the use of force against passive resistance. Perhaps they will learn from you, will start practicing civil disobedience, and we will have no choice but to come to an agreement and end this bullshit.
It's unimaginable that it's come to this. It's just sad.
Jameel- would you post when something like this is happening, so that those of us from the Western side of the Green Line can show up?
Rabbi Raskin has it right. Non-violence is the only way to defeat a violent and repressive government. Build and when they come to destroy it lie down in their way, then build again.
So this is the new face of Judaism, doing something illegal. Right up there with rioting by the Jerusalem taliban, child molesting, cheating on the numbers in yeshivas for higher reimbursement.
Anonymous 10:39
Don't forget -- this is not the new face of Judaism! We've been doing this for years, along with baking matza with the blood of non-Jewish babies.
In fact, that's why we need the expansion in the settlements -- not enough baby blood matza bakeries.
Go back to the rock you crawled out from, and hit yourself over the head with it of a few times till we feel better.
Jeremy- go get 6 palettes, some paint, a few friends and start schlepping!
This is not an organized event. It is a form of spontaneous protest.
You love the 6 palettes. Sorry, but I'm not so industrious. From the pictures (and the presence of community leadership) it doesn't seem so spontaneous.
Jameel-your post will be printed and sent out to as many Shuls in my neighborhood as possible. Our local Rabbaim NEED to talk about this to everyone involved. Check out this: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,578712,00.html?test=latestnews
As if there aren’t real concerns othe than appeasing Osbama.
I thought that houses that had already been started prior to this decision were OK. Meaning that they would be allowed to finish them.
Someone should ask R' Riskin what's wrong with standing up for your country!!
The Pallet settlements are going up! It starts Friday just befor Channukah.
Pass the word!
Post it on as many blogs as you can, Facebook, twitter...
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