Thank G-d well have something additional to write about now, other than Ehud Barak's war on the settlers (and JoeSettler's rebuttals)
Going to Israel?
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Finally. Something other than politics. And Srugim, no less!
"Thank G-d well have something additional to write about now, other than Ehud Barak's war on the settlers (and JoeSettler's rebuttals)"
how about "powerful rabbi steps down from heading haredi "conversion authority", embroiled in sex/corruption scandal"?
no, don't like that one? how about "hesder yeshivot/settler honchos threaten idf while twirling moustaches madly"?
how about something on why dafka now does r. yosef (or was it r. amar) issue a psak making anyone who uses the civil courts treife for a minan?
how about "religious/political leaders taking us all to hell in a handbasket"?
see, this is why i don't have my own blog, i have no imagination.
J Becker: Ive posted a few different things today :-)
Someone told me last week: Problem with JoeSettler is that while I agree with him, he's predictable. You (Jameel) are not :-)
That's because I let you write all the unpredictable stuff we talk about throughout the day, and leave the important stuff to me.
Joe: *sigh*
You're living in fantasyland.
Unfortunately, Srugim seems bent on spreading disinformation about the religious public.
There is NO woman who prevents other women from entering the kotel plaza in pants!! She simply offers a peice of cloth to cover shoulders with - and if it is refused, she does not prevent anyone from approaching the kotel.
moshe: Unfortunately, Srugim seems bent on spreading disinformation about the religious public.
That is an unfair and unjustified accusation.
moshe: There is NO woman who prevents other women from entering the kotel plaza in pants!! She simply offers a peice of cloth to cover shoulders with - and if it is refused, she does not prevent anyone from approaching the kotel.
My wife, who has been to the kotel many times, tells me that there are, in fact, such "tzniut patrol" women there, who give skirts (not just shawls) to women wearing pants. My wife also says that sometimes the woman on "patrol" will indeed try to bar entry to women who refuse the to cover up -- it depends which woman is on duty.
moshe: Ridiculous/
During the first season of Srugim, there was an episode in which Yifat goes to some mekubal rabbi, who tells her that the reason she isn't finding a shidukh is because her parents didn't make a kiddush in shul when she was born -- which is a segula for finding a shidukh. I had never heard of such a ridiculous thing, and immediately assumed that the show's writers had simply fabricated this silly tradition for the purpose of the plotline. But later, I did a little searching around -- whereupon I discovered that the idea of exactly such a segula really exists out there! (See here, for example, where R. Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky [the "Steipler"] is quoted as having said such a thing.)
I still regard the idea of such a segula as stupid nareshkeit; my point, however, is that Srugim had not fabricated the existence of this belief. I had simply jumped to that baseless conclusion because of my own ignorance -- just as you did in the case of the tzniut woman at the kotel.
In the case of the kotel woman, I would venture a guess that your ignorance of what she does is due to the simple fact that you are not a woman; and as a result, this person and her behavior are mostly off your radar. (I myself didn't even know of her existence before my wife told me.)
The executive producer and director of Srugim, Laizy Shapira, is a religious guy who comes straight from the very Katamon bitza that his show portrays. It has become quite clear to me that he invests a great deal of effort to ensure that the show's portrayal of religious people and practices is authentic and realistic.
Do you know if 'Srugim' is on Hulu?
One correction to my comment above about the "tzniut patrol" woman at the kotel (from my wife): Yes, there are such women present; and yes, they do sometimes try to bar entry to women wearing pants unless they put on a skirt. However, in this clip, she is standing in the wrong place: The scene shows her standing on the stairs going down to the main plaza area. But in reality, the woman is located down below, at the entrance to women's section of the prayer area in front of the plaza. That is the only place women are asked to wear the cover-up skirts; women going into the main plaza area are not harrassed.
So this is, in fact, a mistake. Laizy, are you reading this? You still have a chance to fix it before it airs...
The fact is that the Kotel authorities didn't allow us to film down in the plaza so we had to film the scene on the steps. Some times we can't stick to reality 100 percent and we have to compromise. I made a conscious decision here and I don't have any problem with it.
How come they let reporters with TV cameras into the kotel plaza area all the time, but they wouldn't let you?
In any case, I understand that you're forced to deal with limitations. But IMHO, when something appears on screen that's so obviously incorrect, lots of people are going to notice and point it out. Maybe it would have been better to show a brief establishing shot of the proper location, and then to have shot the rest elsewhere in a way that disguised the fact that it was in the wrong place.
Don't get me wrong, btw. I absolutely love the show: I would never bother taking the time and effort to nitpick if I didn't already think that Srugim has such has such a high level of quality, that it deserves that level of attention. I only nitpick films and shows that I really like. And I'm waiting with baited breath for the second season to begin.
While we're on the subject of the second season: Why didn't you tell Jameel that you were doing a screening of two new episodes and a panel discussion at the Cinemateque?! I would have totally wanted to come to that (and I imagine there are other readers here who would have, as well.)
Next time, let us know...
watch full episodes of srugim online פרקים מלאים סרוגים צפייה ישירה
This video is very good, the promo is excellent i hope that the final product will be better, i think that israel has a good tv series that all the world must know.
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