Now HEINZ lets you customize ketchup here
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Waqf Orders, Bibi Folds, Feiglin Blocked from Temple Mount
I received a Breaking News email last night from
The gist of it was, the Waqf, which sits on Har HaBayit, called up Netanyahu's office, and threatened to start "World War 3" if Moshe Feiglin is allowed to go up onto Har HaBayit (Temple Mount) today.
Netanyahu apparently gave the order to the police forbidding Knesset Member Feiglin from going up.
This order is in violation of so many Israeli laws (well, 3 at least).
Feiglin responded that he won't go up, but he no longer feels the vote with the Likud, since Netanyahu has trampled all over the law, instead of protecting and defending it, because Bibi is afraid of the Waqf (my addition).
I think it's about time the State of Israel dismantled the Waqf, and removed them from Jewish Holy sites such as the Temple Mount, and the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
I think its time the State of Israel called their bluff. Because, all it is, is a bluff.
We've survived and thrived through the worst Intifada the Arabs could throw at us. It's time we displayed a little more sovereignty in our own country, and in our own Holy sites.
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
The gist of it was, the Waqf, which sits on Har HaBayit, called up Netanyahu's office, and threatened to start "World War 3" if Moshe Feiglin is allowed to go up onto Har HaBayit (Temple Mount) today.
Netanyahu apparently gave the order to the police forbidding Knesset Member Feiglin from going up.
This order is in violation of so many Israeli laws (well, 3 at least).
Feiglin responded that he won't go up, but he no longer feels the vote with the Likud, since Netanyahu has trampled all over the law, instead of protecting and defending it, because Bibi is afraid of the Waqf (my addition).
I think it's about time the State of Israel dismantled the Waqf, and removed them from Jewish Holy sites such as the Temple Mount, and the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
I think its time the State of Israel called their bluff. Because, all it is, is a bluff.
We've survived and thrived through the worst Intifada the Arabs could throw at us. It's time we displayed a little more sovereignty in our own country, and in our own Holy sites.
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Har HaBayit,
Jewish Press,
Temple Mount,
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Lies, Damn Lies, and Pallywood.
The following photo appears in the Facebook group "I acknowledge Apartheid Exists"
So why am I posting it? Because it's typical Palestinian nonsense.
They hijacked a photo from 2005, which had the original caption:
Title: Religious Jews Protest Against The Desecration Of Ancient Graves
Caption: KIBBUTZ REGAVIM, ISRAEL - MAY 31: An Israeli security guard grabs an ultra-Orthodox Jew in a headlock during a protest against the desecration of alleged ancient Jewish graves May 31, 2005 near Kibbutz Regavim in northern Israel. Dozens of black-garbed religious Jews clashed with the privately-hired guards as they tried to prevent the construction of the Trans-Israel highway over the graves. The protesters say the graves are Jewish, but archaeologists say they are Roman and date to the late second and early third century AD. (Photo by David Silverman/Getty Images)
Date created: 31 May 2005
Editorial image #: 53001697
But why should we let facts get in the way of typical Palestinian lies?
PS: The photo itself is distressing, yet its slanderous for Palestinians to hijack it and call it as their own.
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
So why am I posting it? Because it's typical Palestinian nonsense.
They hijacked a photo from 2005, which had the original caption:
Title: Religious Jews Protest Against The Desecration Of Ancient Graves
Caption: KIBBUTZ REGAVIM, ISRAEL - MAY 31: An Israeli security guard grabs an ultra-Orthodox Jew in a headlock during a protest against the desecration of alleged ancient Jewish graves May 31, 2005 near Kibbutz Regavim in northern Israel. Dozens of black-garbed religious Jews clashed with the privately-hired guards as they tried to prevent the construction of the Trans-Israel highway over the graves. The protesters say the graves are Jewish, but archaeologists say they are Roman and date to the late second and early third century AD. (Photo by David Silverman/Getty Images)
Date created: 31 May 2005
Editorial image #: 53001697
But why should we let facts get in the way of typical Palestinian lies?
PS: The photo itself is distressing, yet its slanderous for Palestinians to hijack it and call it as their own.
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013
John Kerry's Broken Moral Compass
US Secretary of State John Kerry has managed to disappoint friends of Israel rather quickly since his appointment by President Obama.
Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud) on Monday berated Kerry:
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US Secretary of State John Kerry compared the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing to the nine Turkish activists killed by the IDF as they tried to break Gaza’s naval blockade, at a press conference in Istanbul on Sunday.
“I know it’s an emotional issue with some people,” Kerry said of the Mavi Marmara deaths. “I particularly say to the families of people who were lost in the incident: We understand these tragedies completely and we sympathize with them.”
He then added, “And nobody – I mean, I have just been through the week of Boston and I have deep feelings for what happens when you have violence and something happens and you lose people that are near and dear to you. It affects a community, it affects a country,” Kerry said. “We’re very sensitive to that.” (JPOST)
Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud) on Monday berated Kerry:
“It is never helpful when a moral equivalency is made confusing terrorists with their victims. As our American friends were made all too aware once again last week, the only way to deal with the evils of terrorism is to wage an unrelenting war against its perpetrators, wherever they may be,” (TOI)Maybe we got it all wrong -- and THIS is what Kerry meant:
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Thursday, April 11, 2013
Muqata Photo Roundup, Rosh Chodesh Iyar edition.
Muqata Photo roundup...
This airline passenger is a "kohen" and was told by his Rav that the way to avoid tum'a/ritual impurity by the plane flying over Jewish cemeteries in Israel was to wrap himself up in a bag like this.
The Arab passenger on an Israeli bus has a "boom" bag . Awkward?
And finally...

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This airline passenger is a "kohen" and was told by his Rav that the way to avoid tum'a/ritual impurity by the plane flying over Jewish cemeteries in Israel was to wrap himself up in a bag like this.
The Arab passenger on an Israeli bus has a "boom" bag . Awkward?
And finally...
From Facebook:
Friday afternoon, returning from work on the Tel - Aviv to Rishon LZion train. Get off the train in Rishon, and remember I forgot a bag on the train with personal belongings...and the train is now on its way to Yavneh, and I need to pick up my daughter from gan...don't know what to do. One of the train station's security personnel sees I'm distressed and asks me what's up. After explaining that my bag was now on a train to Yavneh, he calmed me down, went to the train operations center, called the train security personnel on the Yavneh bound train, and ensured the bag would be on a train back to Rishon. He took my number, told me to pick up my daughter and he said he would call me when he gets my bag back. And that's what happened.
His name is Kobasa Aiylin, and this post is for him. He deserves a million "likes" and for Israel Railroad Management to know how helpful and responsible he is.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Thursday, April 04, 2013
Day After Day: Palestinians Smash Magen David Adom Ambulances
In what has become a daily occurrence, Palestinians are routinely throwing rocks at Magen David Adom ambulances, smashing windshields and seriously endangering the MDA medical crews.
Despite that MDA ambulances and medics treat wounded without bias to race or religion, Palestinians target these life saving efforts, even when the wounded are Palestinians.
Over the past few days:
April 2, 2013, 17:15 - Palestinians stone MDA ambulance on the Jerusalem - Hevron highway #60, near the community of Karmei Zur.
April 3, 2013 15:43 - Palestinians stone MDA ambulance on Halhul bypass road, part of the Jerusalem - Hevron highway #60.
April 4, 2013 11:27 - Palestinians stone Neve Zuf community MDA ambulance near the Abud village on road 465.
The dangers of daily Palestinian rock throwing in evident by the ongoing critical condition of 3 year old Adele Biton, wounded by a rock attack which left her critically wounded, and injuring her mother and 2 sisters. (story here)
Just yesterday, The Ofer Base IDF Military Court convicted Waal al-Araja, a member of the Palestinian Authority security forces from Halhoul, of the murder of Asher Palmer and his infant son, Yonatan, in September 2011. Al-Araja, threw stones from a moving vehicle toward Palmer's car on the Jerualem - Hevron highway 60, causing the father and son's death. (story here)
Photos from Hatzala Yehuda vShomron and some of the story from rotter
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Despite that MDA ambulances and medics treat wounded without bias to race or religion, Palestinians target these life saving efforts, even when the wounded are Palestinians.
Over the past few days:
April 2, 2013, 17:15 - Palestinians stone MDA ambulance on the Jerusalem - Hevron highway #60, near the community of Karmei Zur.
April 3, 2013 15:43 - Palestinians stone MDA ambulance on Halhul bypass road, part of the Jerusalem - Hevron highway #60.
April 4, 2013 11:27 - Palestinians stone Neve Zuf community MDA ambulance near the Abud village on road 465.
The dangers of daily Palestinian rock throwing in evident by the ongoing critical condition of 3 year old Adele Biton, wounded by a rock attack which left her critically wounded, and injuring her mother and 2 sisters. (story here)
Just yesterday, The Ofer Base IDF Military Court convicted Waal al-Araja, a member of the Palestinian Authority security forces from Halhoul, of the murder of Asher Palmer and his infant son, Yonatan, in September 2011. Al-Araja, threw stones from a moving vehicle toward Palmer's car on the Jerualem - Hevron highway 60, causing the father and son's death. (story here)
Photos from Hatzala Yehuda vShomron and some of the story from rotter
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