Since 2010, a USA company entitled "JiHawg Ammunition" has been manufacturing bullets with "Porcine Coating" (Pattern Pending) based on the "highest quality pork product."
They certify that Jihawg Ammo is "Haraam" or unclean and their mission is to "Send Muslim [terrorists] Straight to Hell"
"According to the belief system of the radical Islamist becoming "unclean" during Jihad will prevent their attaining entrance into heaven.For years there has been discussion that IDF elite units use this sort of ammunition, but we have not been able to confirm this via the IDF spokesman's office, and I assume they would deny it.
Jihawg Ammo is a natural deterrent to radical and suicidal acts of violence.
We at Jihawg Ammo hope you will stock up on Jihawg as a natural deterrent to the ever growing threat of radical Islam and Sharia Law. We, however, stress that the nullifying principle of our product is only effective if you are attacked by an Islamist in Jihad. Otherwise, our ammo functions just like any other ammunition so we obviously insist upon defensive use of our ammo only-not offensive. (
“With Jihawg Ammo, you don’t just kill an Islamist terrorist, you also send him to hell. That should give would-be martyrs something to think about before they launch an attack. If it ever becomes necessary to defend yourself and those around you our ammo works on two levels,” the company said in a press release earlier this month.I doubt there would be any Kashruth issues with using these bullets, since a weapon's barrel gets so hot after it's been fired, that the barrel has effectively "kashered" itself after every shot.
The company’s website bills the bullets as “Peace Through Pork” and a “peaceful and natural deterrent to radical Islam.” There’s a related line of apparel that feature slogans like “Put Some Ham in MoHAMed” and a target poster that says “Give Em a Spankin with some Bacon.”
“The nullifying principle of our product is only effective if you are attacked by an Islamist in Jihad,” the company’s website says. “Otherwise, our ammo functions just like any other ammunition, so we obviously insist upon defensive use of our ammo only-not offensive.” (HuffPo)
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Do you have to tovel after reloading your magazine? Are kohanim allowed using the ammo?
Is my calendar off? I though it was Tamuz, not Adar?
David: Its not adar material...these are real bullets...even if the tone of the post was less than Tammuz.
Hey you guys, there is no prohibition against benefit from pork products, just against eating them, unlike mixtures of milk and meat and several other very particular objects.
I see some disadvantages:
1. The risk of getting friendly-fire chazer in your butt.
2. The fact that getting shot with a trafedik bullet does not actually send you to hell, and I'm not sure that anyone except for maybe some very naive young kids from really remote places believe that it does.
3. The PR problem.
4. The fact that the things are called "JiHAWG", which is too tacky for me to cope with readily. Also, I'm against encouraging the fetishization of pork in the fight against Islamists. I still recall the guy who posted online that he was going to celebrate Bin Laden's death with a 'cold beer and a Hebrew National pork hot dog'.
5. The fact that all it's going to take is an announcement by someone with good clerical credentials to announce that dying a martyr will override any negative effects of ballistic pork, and the advantage, if there ever was one, is, so to speak, shot.
6. Also, the possibility that Hamas will start rubbing bacon grease all over the Qassams, thus turning an at least marginally dignified conflict into a cross between the Marx Brothers and Kitchen Nightmares.
On a more serious note, this idea probably comes from people having read about the Sepoy Rebellion, but the issue there was having to bite the cartridges.
Leave this junk in Idaho.
This whole concept of punishing Muslims this way is disgusting and is a testament to why Israel and the United States are viewed so badly on an international scale. A much better method is to:
1. Not fuel anti-Israel and anti-US rhetoric with posts like this and
2. To fight back with logic and law, as can be done with the JCPA's new legal portal:
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