But I'm really here to tell you that y'all would appreciate this post by Stam entitled Between Two Worlds. Excerpt:
Growing up in two schools with very different outlooks on this issue has left me a little confused. On one hand i do feel its important to observe/celebrate these occasions, but with the "yeshivish" world so against anything "Tzioni" (including Bamba) I feel that by caring, i'm doing something "wrong". The Gush Katif/Shomron situation was similar. Nothing was mentioned in the BY high schools or seminaries, while the "Tzioni" schools shared the news and kept their students updated. We were in Israel and didn't even have a clue about what was going on!Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
I remember finding a poster when I was in seminary that said "Yehudim Lo Migrashim Yehudim". I took it to my Aim HaBayit and asked her what "migrashim" meant. She looked at the poster and then she looked at me and she said "we stay out of this, throw that away".
small correction: that's 'migarshim', which means to evict or drive out. 'migrashim' OTOH means lots or plots of land...
The reality of this post, back to the point, is pitiful! As the nice lady said, they're IN ISRAEL! How could one willingly remain unconcerned and obtuse to what is happening to Jews down the block?!
you have no idea how strange it was to see Jameel's notes feed on facebook and see my words there!!!
Mordechai - thanks, i often type too fast for my own good, and what spellchecker would pick THAT up? :)
Thanks for the link. I found the entry interesting, but I was disturbed by comments that seemed to justify/legitimize not standing during the siren.
Below are my thoughts:
While not standing might not be "bashing", it certainly is disrespectful and a chilul hashem.
What people do in their own homes is between them and God. What people do b'farhesia affects everyone around them (sometimes with far-reaching consequences).
When the country is standing in mourning/remembering, the least one can do is stand respectfully for all of 60-120 SECONDS.
There are creative sollutions for Jews who don't accept Yom HaZikarona but want to be respectful. Many open a Sefer Tehillim and read a few p'rakim.
When Jews blatantly ignore the siren, they are "poresh min hatzibur". Perhaps they consider themselves to be the tzibur -- in some ways they would be correct, though numerically they are a small minority. However, being representatives of the tzibur would imbue them with an even greater responsibility to those around them.
Whichever way you look at it, we are responsible for ALL of Am Yisrael.
Our goals should be to behave in a way that will be m'karev our fellow Jews and be a kiddush hashem.
This year, davka on Yom HaShoah, I found myself standing next to two very hiloni Israelis. Perhaps it was my imagination, but I saw initial surprise, followed by respect, when I stepped out of my car to stand. I am dati-leumi, but to many hilonim, all religious people (especially women), look alike.
What one religious Jews does reflects on all religious Jews.
Perhaps you would be interested in my post about Yom HaZikaron:
Yom HaZikaron
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