Monday, May 05, 2008

How Much Would You Pay for Art?

Ha’aretz claims that their probe indicates that the current Olmert investigation revolves around Olmert using his position to help promote his wife’s artwork and art career.

I’m not much of a modern art critic, but how much would you pay for these, and would you really want them in your house?

(Gads, I don't even want to see it on the blog!)

My wife has another theory.

Forget million dollar discounts on Cremioux. This involves a much better way of buying financing a candidate. Buy the politician's wife’s artwork in exchange for favors. (And we're not talking pennies here).

And seriously, after looking at those two samples of her work, can there be any doubt in anyone’s mind what the buyers were really buying for all that money?

You read it here (actually hopefully on JoeSettler) first.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד


Unknown said...

Is that Ehuds pubic hair that she used?
What a scam, Olmert is a criminal and corrupt. We need elections immediately. I cant see him getting out of this one if its true.

Rafi G. said...

what the heck does a broken eggshell with a safety pin through it represent?

Jack Steiner said...

what the heck does a broken eggshell with a safety pin through it represent?

The fragility of life.

The back of the hill said...

In that case, I too am an artist. Now give me money.

Anonymous said...

It represents the natural world that is broken and then repaired by technological advances -- and ends up much worse off...maybe.

The problem isn't what it does or does not represent but the fact that it is not art.

I can just see her, talking to her lesbian daughter, and realizing that all her progeny's eggs are to sad, so very sad.

Lurker said...

Why is Haaretz able to violate the gag order with impunity, while all other media outlets remain silent?

Lurker said...

And another thing: This is the big giant scandal?! So some American organization paid for his hotel room, and he printed up a few invitations to his wife's art exhibit on ministry stationary. My God, this is what all the media and politicians have been going on about?! This is so incredibly stupid and unimportant, about as much so as the manufactured scandal over Bibi's hotel room in London.

Unknown said...

So Lurker,
Is it ok to give Olmert to syphon hundreds of thousands of dollars through his wifes art sales? Is pubic hair an paper or a broken egg shell with a safety pin in it worth that much from an unknown artist like his wife?
Obviously Olmert is trying to clean bribe money through his wifes art.
I think thats the main point and is definitely an abuse of power serious matter.

Lurker said...

Jason: Is it ok to give Olmert to syphon hundreds of thousands of dollars through his wifes art sales?

"Syphon"? From whom? There are no public funds involved here. The government is not puchasing any of his wife's stupid chachkas.

Jason: Is pubic hair an paper or a broken egg shell with a safety pin in it worth that much from an unknown artist like his wife?

I dunno, how much is "that much"? The Haaretz article mentioned nothing at all about how much was paid for Mrs. Olmert's "art". How do you know how much was paid? Do you know something the rest of us don't?

Jason: Obviously Olmert is trying to clean bribe money through his wifes art. I think thats the main point and is definitely an abuse of power serious matter.

So then no spouse of any public public official should be allowed to own a business. Isn't that what you're saying?

Don't forget that the same sort of specious, ridiculous, and trumped-up accusations based on nothing can be made against political figures that we like, just as easily as they can be made against creeps like Olmert.

smb said...

that reminds me, I was peeling potatoes on to a napkin. Some of the peelings were on the napkin and some were off, and I thought to myself, that would make a nice painting

Anonymous said...

Someone has been watching Mickey Blue Eyes.

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