Left behind at the airport while the family rushed to catch a flight to Paris, they managed to get 5 of their kids on board, but forgot their 4 year old daughter in Duty-Free at the Ben-Gurion airport.
My kids were all over this story yesterday evening. How did they forget her?!
In addition to the abandonment trauma this kid might have felt (have no idea if it's long term), this kid will forever be reminded by her siblings that she was left behind.
Perhaps the parents thought of a new, innovative way to get baby sitting services for their kids. At the Ben-Gurion airport, you can buy items in duty free and leave them at the airport, picking them up on your return...
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Everyone's been thinking of that McCauley Culkin movie today.
Do you think maybe it was intentional? :)
Just proves that not every parent can handle a whole mess of kids. For some people, even one is beyond their capacity!
I swear there should be a test before you are allowed to have children.
This is inexcusable.
Yellow Boy
i tried to do this at bg a few weeks ago, but the little ducks kept following me.
The whole thing is so much worse, though. The parents didn't even NOTICE that they didn't have the girl with them until they were told by a flight attendant. But wait! It gets WORSE! They'd seen a pair of shoes in Duty Free that they liked, and decided to buy them and have them sent to Paris with their daughter. "Since she's coming anyway..." The airline said that it wasn't a security risk since a family member was indeed going to be on the plane.
What kind of completely messed up priorities do these people have?! And how did the authorities not say, "Um, you'd better get yourselves back here RIGHT NOW and your daughter will be in foster care until you show up in front of a judge, thankyouverymuch." Seriously.
lisha- the child probably got to her parents much faster by getting on the next flight then waiting for the parents to land, go through customs back and forth, and then wait for the next flight back to Israel (which could have taken hours). Not excusing them (and I agree with MII, it's mystifying how this could have happened), but it was valid thinking on the airline's part.
aack, sorry, i had both posts open, and didn't realize on i was responding to jameel and not MII!
Abbi: LOL - don't worry about it :)
I'm sure the kid flying on the next flight was the fastest way to get to Paris and be reunited with her forgetful parents.
Lisha: Reminds of the fridge magnet -
I keep losing my children but they still manage to find me.
I love uri orbach's take on it: http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3578229,00.html
Basically, he tells everyone to take a chill pill and that this really isn't the news everyone is making it out to be.
Note to self--if I ever have six children, do roll call before and after boarding the plane.
I'm torn between wondering how you could do something like this, and then imagining taking six kids, a husband, and eighteen suitcases through an airport and wondering how you could NOT do this.
I'm torn between wondering how you could do something like this, and then imagining taking six kids, a husband, and eighteen suitcases through an airport and wondering how you could NOT do this.
And dont forget that when we visit the States, we need 2 passports per kid!
more interesting is the way it's become a world wide story: why the fascination www.openmindedtorah.blogpot.com
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