UK Metro: Eight-legged smile from spiderI'm rather disappointed this wasn't found in Israel...maybe we just have to look harder :-)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
This tiny spider, which measures just a few millimetres across, has developed bizarre markings which look just like a smiling face.
The so-called happy-face spider, which is harmless to humans, has evolved to confuse predators, scientists think.
The rare species is found in rainforests of Hawaii.
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How many more years until it evolves a nose?
This is -- hands down -- the coolest spider ever!
In spite of all the other websites that mention this (some claiming these spiders were discovered in 1973), I think it's a crude Photoshop job.
HolyCityPrayer: NationalGeographic doesn't photoshop their pictures (unlike Reuters). Its real as real gets.
Chaviva: Agreed -- though I'm not sure I'd want them hanging around my house...
Obviously it wasn't found in Israel - its still smiling!!!
this is so bizarre!
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