Thursday, March 18, 2010

Biden the Bastard VP.

Updated (see below)

Today, the Vice President of the United States said the following:

"I just got back from five days in the Middle East," Biden said. "I love to travel, but it's great to be back to a place where a boom in housing construction is actually a good thing," he said. Israel announced during Biden's visit that it had approved construction of 1,600 homes in East Jerusalem, a move which the U.S. called an "insult" due to its timing. (Haaretz)

I'm glad that Joe Biden, who considers Jewish housing construction in Jerusalem to be a bad thing is back in D.C.

Maybe he should have said, "I'm glad to be back in D.C. where the criminals aren't as bad as those Palestinian terrorists over in Ramallah."


I find myself honestly shocked at how slanted Haaretz reporting is -- and left the following comment on their website.
Haartez: I dare you to post this comment.

I was at first deeply offended by Biden's remark, which was the point of the way Haaretz reported it. Get people all riled up by Biden's comments, criticize Israel's government, push the peace process, etc.

What is not mentioned in the entire article is that the evening where Biden spoke was a satire event.

Instead, Haaretz took Biden's comment out of context, and used it to make a serious article criticizing the Netanyahu government and Eli Yishai for intentionally announcing building construction in Jerusalem.

Haaretz's agenda-driven propaganda reporting, slants any and all news events to the point that its impossible to determine what the facts are and what the real story is.

Goebbels would be proud of you guys.
Having seen the context (which I had no clue of, because I mistakenly took anything that Haaretz writes at face-value, instead of remembering that every single article they write is anti-Zionist in nature) I am retracting my overt criticism of VP Joe Biden.

And if Haaretz claims "they didn't know it was a roast/satire event" -- then they don't deserve to report the news.

As a side note, he never would have made a joke about the Palestinians, because you can never make a joke about the Palestinians, but that's the way it is with the Obama administration.

You can make fun of Israel and criticize them, but those tones are never used with the Palestinians, Chinese, Syrians, Iranians, etc. Hillary Clinton's scolding of Netanyahu for our building announcement of 1600 homes in Jerusalem (which Israel apologized for over and over again) is far more than the reserved diplomacy used with the PA, Chinese or Iran.

The US State Department and White House were aghast at the Congressional resolution recognizing the Armenian genocide committed by Turkey. Yet the Obama administration had no problem raking Israel over the coals for a milestone in a municipal building approval process.

And read Haaretz with a metric-ton of grains of salt.

Last Update on this Post

How did Joe Biden ever get to be Vice President?
Speaking to ABC News, Biden called the announcement "provocative," but added that the US and Israel need to "get over" the latest flare-up in tensions and insisted that the essential elements of the relationship between the two countries remain the same.

"Israel's security is undeniably in our interest to make sure it is absolutely secure," the vice president was quoted by ABC News as saying.

"And so the message is: We've got to get over this," Biden said. "Granted, I condemn the announcement made by that planning council. ... The irony is even that planning council acknowledging not a single new unit can be built at least for a year and maybe never will be built, it was provocative." (ynet)

If we "have to get over this", why does he keep rehashing this message of Israel's Jerusalem Ramat Shlomo building project as a "provocation" over and over again?

Maybe he should just close his mouth for a change?

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Menachem Mendel said...

His talk was an attempt at a comedy routine, that's the purpose of this dinner. He made fun of Obama, himself, the press, etc. Apparently at the end they basically kicked him off the stage.

yoni r. said...

Perhaps you don't know how political humor in the US works. Everyone and everything is a target, with no malice or policy statements intended. He wasn't saying that construction in Israel is bad, he was making a joke based on the fallout therefrom and from the terrible economic state of the US under his administration's watch.

I find it odd that his treatment of Israel after the announcement of the 1,600 units elicited a milder response from you than a joke (which is probably mostly forgotten by most people by now) did.

The joke doesn't make him a bastard any more than the rededication of the Churva shul is a threat to the al-aqsa mosque.

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps you don't know how political humor in the US works. Everyone and everything is a target, with no malice or policy statements intended."

I think you are wrong. People have had to resign from office for less insulting jokes than this.

It's a classic foot in mouth biden moment. And yes, Biden is a bastard.

Menachem Mendel said...


I guess that you didn't hear the comment by Biden the other day speaking about the dead mother of the Irish Prime MInister, the problem is that she's not dead. And Biden was being serious.

yoni r. said...

People have had to resign from office for less insulting jokes than this.

That's a pretty broad statement. What are you referring to?

The US had already made its position vis-a-vis the new units known. Biden wasn't trying to score political points. He was using a recent political event to make a joke at a dinner where people (*gasp*) make jokes.

All this talk about Biden being a bastard because of a joke he made seems uncomfortably close to the reaction to some Danish cartoons.

Your Correspondent said...

The very strong reaction of the Bush administration might be part of a campaign to push Netanyahu out of office. Possibly the plan is to force Shas out first and get Kadima in, then replace Bibi.

Or it might even be a reaction to the recent criticism of the New Israel Fund. Perhaps some of that hidden funding is laundered money coming from the CIA or the Saudis.

Or it could be showboating to impress the Arabs.

We need to know what it is and how to respond.

Lakewood Falling Down said...

"I just got back from five days in the Middle East," Biden said. "I love to travel, but it's great to be back to a place where a boom in housing construction is actually a good thing,"

If you are the Vice President-you don't use any platform to incite hatred, unless, of course, it's against the Jews-then it's OK, and even funny (not). Let's hope healthcare "reform" gets flushed so the swirling waters from a racists idea of socialism will also drag Biden where he belongs- into the sewer.

Boy, I just got back from the projects and it's great to be back to a place where a boom in housing construction is actually a good thing,"
- Does that help put it into perspective?

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty broad statement. What are you referring to?

The guy recently who had to step down because he made a joke about sleeping with the interns in a private conversation when the microphone was accidently on.

Biden is known to be a bastard, long before this bad joke.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Yoni: I find it odd that his treatment of Israel after the announcement of the 1,600 units elicited a milder response from you than a joke (which is probably mostly forgotten by most people by now) did.

I didn't bother with treatment of Israel for announcing the 1600 housing units, because it was implicit that the Intifada Rage Day was in part, caused by him. (And I spent that whole day blogging it).

His joke was very funny. Yet, I think my line was much better -- but of course, he would never joke about the Palestinians. Make a joke about Muslims and they have mass demonstrations that they will slaughter you.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

See the updated post above.

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