Meanwhile, the Israeli Government new "Hasbara" website has been hacked by Anti-Israel elements and now shows off the "truth" about the weekly Biyalin security fence demonstrators (yet forgets to mention the anti-IDF violence).

hat-tip MII.
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Meanwhile, the Israeli Government new "Hasbara" website has been hacked by Anti-Israel elements...
Perhaps the hacker was Jeff Barak. If not, then certainly one of his friends...
What they gonna burn is they have to donn gas masks and descend into shelters WHILE THE ISRAELI ARMY PROTECTS THEM?!
PS Hope everyone had a wonderful Purim. The sun came out every day in Brooklyn and melted the 2 feet of snow so the kiddies (young and old) could get around!
PS forgive me my typos: "are" and "if"
that'll teach government bureaucrats what the Internet is all about
What I don't understand is, they could be living in Hebron or Bethlehem or anywhere else without depending on the protection of the IDF. But they choose to suckle at the teat of Amalek (l'fi shitatehem) rather than rely on the protection of Hashem.
Shlomo: The video is close to 2 years old...yet for some reason, its only getting publicity now.
Thanks for sharing :-)
BTW the hackers site is:
while the real government site is
I was wondering how come it was staying hacked for over a day till I realized the switcheroo.
Gee a Moron: Good catch - thanks!
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