I admit that I had lots on my mind this past Israeli Independence Day and wanted to blog much of it. Due to personal constraints the blog-time didn't free itself up, but even if it did, I'm not sure I would have put fingers to keyboard and put my thoughts into words.
I wanted to blog about
Uri Tuval, the Associate Editor of Haaretz's Weekend Magazine "musaf" section. He used his personal Facebook wall to announce his views (which weren't really a surprise) about how career, combat IDF soldiers from the hilltop outposts aren't wanted in the same country as himself. Calling recently fallen IDF golani solider and officer, Eliraz Peretz, a "Fascist Jihadist," he managed to outrage many in Israel.
Due to heavy public pressure, he removed his entire Facebook account and apologized to Miriam Peretz -- the mother of fallen soldier Eliraz Peretz.
I wanted to write about
BTselem's Information Director, "
Lizi Sagie" who wrote a few choice thoughts about Israel.
“The IDF Memorial Day is a pornographic circus of glorifying grief and silencing voices.”
“Israel is committing Humanity’s worst atrocities... Israel is proving its devotion to Nazi values... Israel exploits the Holocaust to reap international benefits.”
Sagie is an outspoken supporter of the alleged espionage IDF soldier/spy criminal Anat Kamm.
Sagie proposes making peace by means of destroying Israel and then by Jewish women ending all birth of babies so that these babies cannot grow up to be soldiers.
Sagie and her gang were among the sources of the "information" used by the Goldstone Report to accuse Israel of "war crimes."
Again, due to public uproar, even BTselem couldn't [publicly] stomach her views, and she has since
resigned/been fired.
Yet, I took a deep breath, counted to 10, and didn't publish these stories despite their importance.
And then, I saw
an article written by R' Yuval Cherlow stating that Im Tirtzu's reports against the New Israel Fund, were considered "Sin'at Chinam" -- baseless hatred, and that the Im Tirtzu organization was splitting the nation by dividing everyone into a "good camp" and a bad camp."
Personally, I was infuriated when reading that article. Did he really think that Im Tirtzu's motives were that of "Sin'at Chinam"? That people have nothing better to do with their time than to run after the "New Israel Fund" simply because of baseless hatred?
Far from being my favorite center-left reporter, Ben-Caspit
wrote a few months ago about the whole Im Tirtzu campaign against the New Israel Fund. He ended it as follows:
Personally, I think the campaign on Naomi Chazan's head was a mistake [putting a "horn" on her head and saying she was directly responsible for NIF]. It was not my style or was it necessary. On the other hand, the debate itself is legitimate [about NIF's funded NGO's aligning themselves with Goldstone, etc.]. Maybe even important. But my friends on the radical left, those that support the right to criticize, and say very difficult things, they simply cannot accept any criticism. They are not used to being criticized. In the bubble they live in, they would simply "delete" any criticism that was directed towards them. No more.
Leftists were outraged that Ben Caspit didn't follow rank and file, and line up to support the NIF. He received threats as well. He replied with a
followup article last week, "Sick of the inciters."
Caspit asks: The "Im Tirzu" organization was written about me twice in my columns because:
1. They sent me lots and lots of money and they gave me a penthouse in the Holyland building complex.
2. I am an undercover radical right wing agent for many years. I yelled "srak srak" (the bullets are blank when Rabin was shot). My Shabak code name is "Thundering Mercury"
3. I have a fetish for the right wing.
4. I thought the 2 reports published by Im Tirzu were interesting, based on fact, and worthy of public debate.
5. I received exclusivity by Im Tirtzu to publish them.
So I wondered, did R' Yuval Cherlow honestly believe that Im Tritzu's attack on the NIF was based on hatred? I was disappointed.
Today, I found out the reason...the article allegedly by R' Cherlow, was fabricated (by whom, I don't yet know).
R' Cherlow was asked about his article on the
moreshet website:
Dear Respected Rav,
I read on the "Srugim" website that you came out very viciously against the "Im Tirtzu" organization. As someone who is an admirer of the Rabbi, I would like to understand your position.
Additionally, I read "talkback comments" that claimed the Rabbi receives money from the New Israel Fund. Is this correct?
Reply from R' Yuval Cherlow:
1. I have never said anything about the "Im Trizu" organization -- not for it, not against it, not directly or indirectly, not commercially, nor to the case at hand. Not one word. More than that, I don't come out against anything "viciously" under any circumstances, and I generally just describe by viewpoint. What was written [in my name] on the srugim website it an utter falsehood, and a lie. I would like to clarify that I am not claiming my words were taken out of context (I don't need to claim this because what was published in my name, was never said by me), yet I have never spoken a word about the Im Tirzu organization, and what is written on the srugim website is not connected to me in any manner, shape or form. One has to wonder what a man is to do when such lies are publicized.
2. The only thing I said to srugim was that the debate via "yizkor" (the politically motivated initiatives surrounding Israel's Memorial day for security forces victims of Arab terror) was in my eyes, inappropriate and it created debate on the single day we have unity.
3. I have never had any interaction with the New Israel Fund - not directly or indirectly, not commercially, nor to the case at hand. Additionally, I am not "funded" in any manner, shape or form.
I am humiliated by what has been published and I am unsure what to do about it, except
to express my pain as to where we have gotten to [as a society].
All the best,
R' Yuval Cherlow
So I tried to objectively decide, is the content on my blog written out of hatred? I guess its hard to be slandered daily by the left and Israel's media as a religious Jew, living in a Settlement community in the Shomron and not reply in some manner.
I serve in the IDF, and left wing organizations try their best to have our commanders imprisoned when they visit Europe.
I think its wrong to distribute magnets of Israeli flags, while slipping unadvertised left wing propaganda along with it -- and then Shulamit Aloni compares me to a Nazi.
Arabs and Jews work in Industrial Zones in the West Bank, and leftist organizations call for boycotts of those products.
I want to build...
The following controversial video came out last week, and I wonder if it was "written out of hatred." The talk backs from leftists said it was "incitement"...while talk backs from right wingers said it was exactly how they felt.
I don't agree with all the sentiments, and would not have used the word "enemy" but it's certainly food for thought.
Lyrics follow below the video, in English.
I Am Your Brother,
lyrics and music by Amir BenayounI guard your national identity
I defend your children
I give my life for your family
and you spit in my face.
After you fail to kill me on the outside
you come to kill me from within
I haven't seen my mother for a month
not my children, my home, not my wife.
I always charge ahead
with my back to you
You sharpen the knife
And more than anything, it is this thought which burns my soul.
And you, how do you not understand
I am your brother, you are the enemy.
You hate me, while I love.
When I cry, you laugh behind my back.
You are after all, my brother
You are after all, my brother
I am the future
you are the past.
and the present between us is broken.
I go hungry for you, while you are a glutton and are sated.
When my throat is dry, you drink
my mouth is always sealed for your safety
yet you give me away to foreigners
I am your brother, you are the enemy.
You hate me, while I love.
When I cry, you laugh behind my back.
You are after all, my brother
You are after all, my brother.
May He who blessed our fathers, Avraham, Isaac and Jacob,
may He Bless the soldiers of the IDF
who stand to defend our country and the cities of our G-d
from Lebanona to the Egyptian desert
from the great Sea to the Arava, in all places
on land, air and sea.I am your brother, you are the enemy.
You hate me, while I love.
When I cry, you laugh behind my back.
You are after all, my brother
You are after all, my brother.
You kill me
You are after all, my brother
You are after all, my brother.
Because your G-d that walks with you, to fight with you against your enemies, to save you, and let us say, Amen.
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