Thursday, September 21, 2006

Muqata Blog Annual Shareholders Report

Muqata Blog Annual Shareholders Report
Jameel @ The Muqata, Muqata CEO & Chief Chicken Griller for Erev Shabbat.

Milestones (Year in Review)
Readership Statistics
Future Plans

(You can click above section names for hyperlinks...)


As another year comes to a close, The Muqata Blog (tm) is presenting it's annual shareholders report to the JBlogosphere membership. After all, it's you people who are the primary shareholders of the blog...I just pass on what's going on over here.

The number one question people ask me about the blog is, "What the heck is the Muqata, and why do you call yourself Jameel?" Yes, it's embarrassing. When I needed to pick a quick name to start a blog, I didn't put that much thought into it. Since most bloggers are anonymous (well, except for PsychoTodder, Ezzie and Treppenwitz...and DovBear who outed himself last week at the Shlock Rock concert's backstage party), I thought, hey, maybe if I use an arabic name, I can provide some good counter-punch views on what's going on in Israel. After all, if an Arab would be pro-Israel, it could be very interesting. Yet within about a day, I decided that it would be obvious I'm just using the name for blogging purposes. The "real" Muqata, was Arafat's compound (may he rot in hell) in Ramalla, which no matter how many times the news reported that the IDF destroyed was back in action the following day.

The Muqata Blog's mission is to promote a love for Israel among Jews, encourage aliya to Israel, raise awareness of Israeli current events, and try to add in a dose of humor/slice of life from the Muqata household, for good measure.

While preparing the milestones section of this report, I cringed. While some of the postings I put up were (I think) very good...some made me cringe in pain. What an awful grammar did I spell that word wrong? What was I thinking?!! However, over time, I think the quality improved, the topics improved, and overall, I think the blog is in much better shape than it's been all year.

During the War of Tammuz, we changed modes, and reported news around the clock -- as a means of connecting people to Israel. The concern for Israel was out there, so we filled in the gaps by providing (what we felt) was accurate and breaking news reporting, with textual, audio and visual sources. One project for the coming year will be to organize it so that you can easily follow the war archives on a day by day basis.

As we look forward to the new year, we would like to wish our readership a Shana Tova, a good year for all of Israel and the Jewish people around the globe. A year of happiness, health, and wealth. A year of Redemption and Rebuilding.



Milestones coming soon...

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael


Lurker said...

What??! Do you mean you aren't really an Arab, and you don't live in the real Muqata?! This is HUGE; the JBlogosphere is going to go bonkers! This is much bigger than DovBear outing himself -- it's more like the revelation by "HaSaruf" that he was never burned, or W. Mark Felt's confession that he was "Deep Throat" of Watergate.

I'm still reeling from this...

Lurker said...

"One project for the coming year will be to organize [the war bulletins] so that you can easily follow the war archives on a day by day basis."

Are you referring to the archives of the last war, or the next one?

Sarah Likes Green said...

let's hope that the muqata stocks increase in value in this new year so that dividends to all shareholders are plentiful!!

shana tova v'ketivah vchatimah tova.


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