And this wasn't just any Member of the Egyptian Parliment, this was Mohamed el-Katatny of President Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party (NDP). (YNET)
"That cursed Israel is trying to destroy al-Aqsa mosque...Nothing will work with Israel except for a nuclear bomb that wipes it out of existence." --MP Mohamed el-Katatny (NDP)
"The war with Israel is still ongoing whether we like it or not," --MP Khalifa Radwan (NDP)
"What this (Israeli) gang is doing makes me demand that we trample over all the agreements we signed." --MP Mohamed Amer (NDP)
"Know that the Israeli establishment, which wants to conquer al-Aqsa, has already started to destroy part of the mosque." --Sheikh Ra’ad Salah, head of the Islamic Movement
"The Aqsa Mosque is in real danger and needs Muslim support to defend and spare it the rancorous Israeli conspiracies" --Palestinian Chief Justice Tayseer al-Tamimi
"The Israeli occupation government is conspiring to finally destroy the Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest Muslim shrine world-wide, and to install the alleged Third Temple on its ruins." --Hamas Website
Last week, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said "There are irresponsible people, who know perfectly well that there is no damage being done to any holy site, who are abusing the Israeli democracy to incite religious sentiments for political gains."
Who loves these irresponsible people?
I assume the answer lies in this AP Confidential News Form which was sent by a loyal Muqata reader.
Friday Prayer Meeting Report Form
Property of the Associated Press
Instructions for Reporters: Please use this form to report on the news that involves Friday prayer meetings. Please have your work turned in no later than 3:00PM on Friday. Keep in mind that it is not necessary for the events to have concluded (or even taken place) before completing your submissions. Accompanying photographs will be created by the graphic design department. Please check the requested photo type below.
__Weeping Muslim Mother
__Weeping Muslim Mother with Injured Child
__Damaged Ambulance – Please circle damage requested (missile damage/fire damage/bullet holes)
__Where’s Waldo (the same man posed in various types of rubble)
__General Rubble (wide angle or close up) – Please indicate the number of smoke plumes: ____
Please note that we are no longer doing “RUSH” jobs on the photos because of the recent problems with the cloning tool in Photoshop. (Thanks a lot Ahmed!)
(Please circle or fill in the blanks as desired)
On Friday following prayer meetings in (Jerusalem/Baghdad/London/Dearborn) a public demonstration was held by Muslims to express their outrage over (fill in the blank). The demonstration included cries of “Allahu Akbar” amid hundreds of Hamas and Palestinian flags. During the demonstration several American flags and effigies of the (American President/British PM/Israeli PM) were burned and stepped on by Muslim youths while veiled women looked on supportively. Imam Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Muhammad said, “The (fill in the blank) is an insult and a humiliation to the people of Islam. We expect an immediate (withdrawal/apology/cash settlement/shipment of goats) to let the world know that the (Israelis/Americans/scary monsters) have wronged the people of Allah.”
During the demonstration the Muslim youths in attendance allegedly began throwing rocks at the (Israeli Defense Force/Police/local KFC). Imam Tariqi al-Husseini al-Sumbahdi stated “We were simply (peacefully protesting/praying/reading the Koran) when we were attacked. Many of our children were killed in the attack but I didn’t see any of them throwing rocks.” An investigation concluded that no rocks could be traced back to the alleged Muslim perpetrators indicating that it was probably incited by the (jooz).
This most recent event makes it clear how (the Israeli-Palestinian conflict/the occupation of Iraq/global warming) is causing increased problems in the region. White House representatives condemned the deaths and issued a (warning/caution/concerned glance) to (the IDF/Israel/scary monsters) for escalating tensions in the region. To help the suffering Muslims the US Administration has agreed to send (fill in the blank) million dollars to help fund peaceful efforts in the region.
Jamil Hussein released a statement verifying all events in this report.
"That cursed Israel is trying to destroy al-Aqsa mosque...Nothing will work with Israel except for a nuclear bomb that wipes it out of existence." --MP Mohamed el-Katatny (NDP)
"The war with Israel is still ongoing whether we like it or not," --MP Khalifa Radwan (NDP)
"What this (Israeli) gang is doing makes me demand that we trample over all the agreements we signed." --MP Mohamed Amer (NDP)
"Know that the Israeli establishment, which wants to conquer al-Aqsa, has already started to destroy part of the mosque." --Sheikh Ra’ad Salah, head of the Islamic Movement
"The Aqsa Mosque is in real danger and needs Muslim support to defend and spare it the rancorous Israeli conspiracies" --Palestinian Chief Justice Tayseer al-Tamimi
"The Israeli occupation government is conspiring to finally destroy the Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest Muslim shrine world-wide, and to install the alleged Third Temple on its ruins." --Hamas Website
Last week, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said "There are irresponsible people, who know perfectly well that there is no damage being done to any holy site, who are abusing the Israeli democracy to incite religious sentiments for political gains."
Who loves these irresponsible people?
I assume the answer lies in this AP Confidential News Form which was sent by a loyal Muqata reader.
Friday Prayer Meeting Report Form
Property of the Associated Press
Instructions for Reporters: Please use this form to report on the news that involves Friday prayer meetings. Please have your work turned in no later than 3:00PM on Friday. Keep in mind that it is not necessary for the events to have concluded (or even taken place) before completing your submissions. Accompanying photographs will be created by the graphic design department. Please check the requested photo type below.
__Weeping Muslim Mother
__Weeping Muslim Mother with Injured Child
__Damaged Ambulance – Please circle damage requested (missile damage/fire damage/bullet holes)
__Where’s Waldo (the same man posed in various types of rubble)
__General Rubble (wide angle or close up) – Please indicate the number of smoke plumes: ____
Please note that we are no longer doing “RUSH” jobs on the photos because of the recent problems with the cloning tool in Photoshop. (Thanks a lot Ahmed!)
(Please circle or fill in the blanks as desired)
On Friday following prayer meetings in (Jerusalem/Baghdad/London/Dearborn) a public demonstration was held by Muslims to express their outrage over (fill in the blank). The demonstration included cries of “Allahu Akbar” amid hundreds of Hamas and Palestinian flags. During the demonstration several American flags and effigies of the (American President/British PM/Israeli PM) were burned and stepped on by Muslim youths while veiled women looked on supportively. Imam Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Muhammad said, “The (fill in the blank) is an insult and a humiliation to the people of Islam. We expect an immediate (withdrawal/apology/cash settlement/shipment of goats) to let the world know that the (Israelis/Americans/scary monsters) have wronged the people of Allah.”
During the demonstration the Muslim youths in attendance allegedly began throwing rocks at the (Israeli Defense Force/Police/local KFC). Imam Tariqi al-Husseini al-Sumbahdi stated “We were simply (peacefully protesting/praying/reading the Koran) when we were attacked. Many of our children were killed in the attack but I didn’t see any of them throwing rocks.” An investigation concluded that no rocks could be traced back to the alleged Muslim perpetrators indicating that it was probably incited by the (jooz).
This most recent event makes it clear how (the Israeli-Palestinian conflict/the occupation of Iraq/global warming) is causing increased problems in the region. White House representatives condemned the deaths and issued a (warning/caution/concerned glance) to (the IDF/Israel/scary monsters) for escalating tensions in the region. To help the suffering Muslims the US Administration has agreed to send (fill in the blank) million dollars to help fund peaceful efforts in the region.
Jamil Hussein released a statement verifying all events in this report.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
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