That's right, Purim is coming.
For those of your who remember last year on the JBlogosphere, we had a pretty decent time with the Purim Parodies...

The Purim Blogroll on the right side of my blog has them all ---->
This year, we have raised the bar (and our expectations) for Purim in the JBlogosphere.
We will NOT be planning parodies this year (but feel free to do that if you wish, and I'll be more than happy to publicize them here).
Instead...we're aiming for bigger, better, and (hopefully) funnier.
Think you're funny enough or clever enough to show the JBlogosphere what you can do?
Drop me an email (muqata@gmail.com) and we'll see how to get you in the act.
Getting us into the spirit of Purim, is Ben Chorin, who somehow located the entire infamous series of Purim Pashkevil (posters) from Meah Shearim. All these pashkevilim have actually appeared on the walls of Jerusalem (and other places around Israel). Check them all out here.

This one about Bar Ilan Road being considered Palestinian "Area A" on shabbat, and being patroled by Palestinian policemen to keep Jews from driving on it, almost generated an international scandal.
Krum as a Bagel wonders about this Jerusalem poster as well...
OK people, this is it. Wanna get in on the act? Drop me an email.
OK people, this is it. Wanna get in on the act? Drop me an email.
Jameel & Co.
Glad to know that even Charedim don't always take themselves too seriously. :) If you can't laugh at yourself, you can't forgive others for laughing at you. It seems to me to be a chiyuv to laugh at yourself if you want to be mekayem "v'ahavta l're'echa kamocha".
LOL... who knew Queens has such powerful influence on Israeli religious culture?
OK OK. Jameel has set me straight. We are only laughing at each other, not at ourselves. Good thing I can laugh at myself. :)
Does it count that my chareidi friend was cracking up from the posters?
Jameel we will think about some shtick.
who knew Queens has such powerful influence on Israeli religious culture?
Queens have influence on ALL culture.
At least, that's what Dame Edna says.
uhhh... could Ben Chorin have succeeded in having the complete collection of funny Mea Shearim posters because he was responsible for creating and hanging them?
Just wondering (not...)
Am very excited to see what the Purim blog event is going to give this year.
Anon: uhhh... could Ben Chorin have succeeded in having the complete collection of funny Mea Shearim posters because he was responsible for creating and hanging them?
I have pretty much the whole collection, and I'm certainly not responsible for creating them.
There are all sorts of collectors out there (you can probably get them on ebay too)...and I don't think that Ben-Chorin would waste his time on Pashkevilim. (You can see how serious and busy he is from his blog)
Prag: OK, you gonna help us? :-)
Steg: Queens have always had influence. (As BOTH said)
The entire run of Koppel-Gutenmacher pashkevilim has been reprinted in Mabu'a, Summer 2006, pp. 59-69, sadly it's not available online.
hope it works, it has some strange fonts in it.
Hi Mugata,
I am off to israel in 2 wks and you once mentioned something about friday scenic drives around yehuda and shomron, can you tell me who to contact about them. thanks
s. s. at saulking10@hotmail.com
Could someone translate the first "pashkevil"? Thanks.
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