Thursday, June 29, 2006

Updates from Israel.

Bad bad news.

IDF forces recovered the body of Eliyahu Asheri, the 18 year old kidnapped Israeli from Itamar. He was murdered (shot in the head) shortly after his abduction on Sunday evening, and hastily buried near Ramalla by Palestinian terrorists. His funeral is scheduled for 2:30 PM today at the Sanhedria "Beit Levayot" -- the procession will continue on to Har HaZeitim, the Mout of Olives for burial. Hashem Yikom Damo.

Apparently, it appears the body of 62 year old Noah Moskowitz from Rishon L'Ziyon was found near the Kfar Chabad cemetary. Police are uncertain at this time if terrorism was indeed involved (despite the Fatah taking credit for his abduction).
Not much more to say now, except that Israel has arrested overnight over 60 Palestinians -- including Palestinian Authority "lawmakers" and "ministers". The IDF says these are not bargaining chips to negotiate the release of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, but members of terror organizations.
Too bad the Israeli government didn't realize this until now -- could have saved us lots of trouble.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael


Jack Steiner said...

It is just terrible.

Oleh Yahshan said...

Aint that the truth. Baruch Dayin HaEmet. Is it time to fight now, Olmert, Peretz, Peres?!? Are you ready to defend your people and country's sovereignty now?!? The blood of this child is on your heads.

the sabra said...

they found noahs body???

Sarah Likes Green said...

Baruch Dayan HaEmet.
It's been a sad day.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

The Sabra: So I hear...

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

The Sabra: Here's a link in Hebrew,7340,L-3268921,00.html

JoeSettler said...

Have you noticed, despite all the attacks this week, despite all the sites bombed by IDF air, tank, and artillery units - unlike us, the Palestinians have yet to report a single casualty on their side: "No Palestinian casualties reported."

kasamba said...

May G-d help us.

Anonymous said...

Was at the Levaya today there is just nothing to say.

bec said...

joe settler....
maybe the "palestinians" have not yet figured out how to report the truth.

FrumGirl said...

I can't describe the sorrow I am feeling ever since I heard this news....

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