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Sorry Jack. The Blog police are out looking for you.Dude, say it is not so!. When did you turn to the dark side of the Muqata. What would make you join the evil blog police. I don't understand. More to the point what makes you think that you'll ever catch me. I know more tricks than Doug Henning. Copperfield looks like a rank amateur.
Unauthorized Haveil Havalim editions?
People have gone to jail for less.
No waffles for you!
The decision comes in response to a petition against the JNF over its refusal to sell its lands to Arabs. The petition was filed in 2004 by a group of Arab Israeli citizens who were forbidden from bidding for land in the north put up for sale by the JNF. (YNET)Under pressure from Israel's Supreme Court, the Jewish National Fund had announced it will sell parcels of the Land of Israel...to Arabs.
On occasion, and particularly in the case of the Norway lemmings in Scandinavia, large migrating groups will reach a cliff overlooking the ocean. They will stop until the urge to press on causes them to jump off the cliff and start swimming, sometimes to exhaustion and death. Lemmings are also often pushed into the sea as more and more lemmings arrive at the shore. [6]
September 21, 2007 -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to address a forum at Columbia University on Monday; school President Lee Bollinger promises to ask tough questions. - News item
BOLLINGER: Mr. President, you say the Holocaust didn't happen. That's very hurtful. Don't you know that hurts people's feelings?
Ahmadinejad: The truth hurts, Bollinger. I hosted a conference at which it was conclusively demonstrated that 6 million Jews actually escaped Nazi Germany by journeying over the Alps into Switzerland, singing "Climb Ev'ry Mountain."
B: That was the Von Trapp family in "The Sound of Music"! And that was Austria, not Germany! And the Von Trapps weren't even Jewish!
A: For someone who claims the Holocaust happened, you seem to know a great deal about the escape plans, Bollinger.
B: Oooh! You make me so mad I might actually venture an opinion about something!
A: This is my narrative, Bollinger. You have your narrative. Everyone has a narrative. What is truth to me might not be truth to you. Haven't you read your Derrida? The Ayatollah brought us back a copy from his exile in Paris.
B: And what about saying you are going to wipe Israel off the map?
A: What about it?
B: Well . . . that's not very nice, is it?
A: Actually, I was once very pro-Israel.
B: You were?
A: Yes, I was. Until I read the works of a Columbia professor named Edward Said.
B: Really, that is absolutely . . .
A: It was reading Said that convinced me Israel was an apartheid nation guilty of monstrous crimes and, therefore, that it should cease to exist. Well, now I am in a position to give aid to that cause. What kind of person would I be if I failed to heed the guidance provided by a respected Columbia professor?
B: Now wait a . . .
A: He was very august, wasn't he, Edward Said? I mean, you even have a professorship named after Edward Said here at Columbia. Oh, who's that I see in the front row? It's the Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies here at Columbia, Mr. Rashid Khalidi!
Khalidi: Not now, Mahmoud. I'll Skype you later.
B: I can understand your anger at Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, Mr. President, but surely 5 million Israelis shouldn't be wiped off the map.
A: Why not? After all, at your sister school, Barnard College, you are in the process of granting tenure to Nadia Abu El-Haj, who has written a book that proves there was no ancient Jewish kingdom in Israel. Her work has had a great deal of influence on me. After all, if there is no Jewish claim on the land dating back to the time before Christ, there really is no reason for Israel to be where it is, right, Bollinger?
B: I have no say over Barnard tenure decisions, Mr. President, but I must say that there are some questions about the quality of her scholarship because she does not take account of the archaeological evidence.
A: That is uncalled for. Ms. El-Haj says in her own book that she rejects your "positivist commitment to scientific method," Bollinger. She has a narrative. A narrative, Bollinger! So shut your pie hole.
B: Now about your state support of terrorism . . .
A: What is terrorism, Bollinger? I take my wisdom from another newly tenured professor here at Columbia, Mr. Joseph Massad. You remember him. He's the one who Jewish students claimed had intimidated them in his classes.
B: That was never conclusively . . .
A: Right here on this campus, he called Israel a "racist state" and then said: "Every racist state should be destroyed." I don't know why you are upset with me, Bollinger - I'm learning so much from people who are paid by your institution!
B: Wait, let me check my list of very tough questions for a second . . .
A: Sorry, our time is up, Bollinger. You promised to give me a lift to Ground Zero.
B: I did no such . . .
A: Just kidding!
The patient had flatlined.The story flew around the hospital staff that night. It started off as a miracle. As the hours went by, the story was slowly rationalized...it would have happened anyway...
No electrical signals were going to his heart.
His heart wasn't pumping.
The emergency medical staff were well trained; among them included a senior cardiologist.
They used defibrillator paddles.
No response.
They injected him with all sorts of medications.
CPR continues...Compressions....Oxygen...Drugs...Electrical Shocks...constant monitoring.
Flatline. Nothing.
The senior cardiologist, a religious Jew, is about to "call the time", but first bends down near the patient's head, and whispers into his ear the final words that Jews have said for thousands of years before they pass on, "Shma Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad."
Everyone in the room was silent.
The EKG heart monitor started to beep.
The shocked medical team stared at the monitor...and then at the patient...and restarted administering medical help.
The patient walked out of the hospital on his on 2 feet a few days later.
Read the rest of it hereAs Sara prepared to jump out of the third- floor window, she recalled there was a phrase that Jews were meant to say when sacrificing their lives. Not knowing when her father and brothers were intending to come and kill her, she had no time to spare. "Baruch atah Hashem Elokenu Melech Haolam Shehakol nihei bidvaro*," she cried--the only Jewish phrase she could think of-- as she made the plunge.
Miraculously, Sara survived the fall, suffering a broken jaw and losing most of her teeth. Mustering her resources she escaped from the Arab village and reached the center of Israel. After a few days of living on the streets a woman noticed Sara and put her in touch with Chasdei Meir. Soon Sara was living in a woman's shelter, safe from her father and brothers, and on her way to recovery, both physically and emotionally.
There are thousands of women like Sara throughout Israel; Jewish women living as prisoners in Arab homes.
According to Levi Chazen, one of the directors of Chasdei Meir, "This problem has been going on since Jews have returned here, since the State of Israel has been around."
Today, women in mixed marriages can be found in Haifa, Lod and even the Old City of Jerusalem. Chasdei Meir was founded 12 years ago to save these women from their disastrous relationships and keep them safe until all danger has passed and they are prepared to return to Israeli society.
Dr. Danny Kerem
Department of Marine Biology
University of Haifa.
Dear Dr. Kerem,
Recently, a person showed up in our city. It would be an understatement to say he was "weird". Normally, we wouldn't bother wasting your time at all, unless we thought there was a glimmer of a possibility, remote as it may be, that this person is bringing to us the word of G-d -- as the implications could be far reaching.
The strangest part of the story from this person named, "Yonah" is that he was swallowed by a large fish, and lived in the fish's belly till he was spat up onto the shore. In order to dispel this fallacy, so we could get on with our lives, we pose this question to you:
Can a fish swallow a person and then spit him out without harm?
Please send us your answer, ASAP!
The Ninveh Council of the Wise.
City Gate
Ninveh -- The Big City
Syria reported that its aircraft fired on Israeli "enemy aircraft" that flew into northern Syria early Thursday. The Israel Defense Forces had no comment on the report, and have refused to comment further on the new revelations.In the spirit of Rosh Hashana, I suggest you eat pareve donuts with holes in them on Rosh Hashana night, and say, "May we merit seeing many more holes in the Syrian desert"
But the sources told CNN the military operation, which happened Wednesday into Thursday, may have also involved Israeli ground forces who directed the airstrike which "left a big hole in the desert" in Syria. CNN
"Rights of members of family
4A. (a) The rights of a Jew under this Law
and the rights of an oleh under the Nationality Law, 5712-1952***, as well as the rights of an oleh under any other enactment, are also vested in a child and a grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a child of a Jew and the spouse of a grandchild of a Jew, except for a person who has been a Jew and has voluntarily changed his religion.
4B. For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother or has become converted to Judaism and who is not a member of another religion."
Syria was reportedly calling its reserve forces as its president Bashar Assad said he is working for peace with Israel, denying charges of channeling Iranian weapons to Lebanon's Hizbullah.
The Daily newspaper an-Nahar, in an un-attributed report, said Syria has "called to service part of its reserve force."
Meanwhile, Assad told CBS: "We call for peace talks. We had peace talks 15 years ago … We work for peace with Israel … Our land is occupied and we need peace to regain our land."
He denied charges that Syria was channeling Iranian weapons to Hizbullah, saying Damascus supports the party "politically because they have a just cause."
"We have not allowed Iran to provide Hizbullah with Weapons and missiles. Where is the evidence for such a charge?" Assad asked.
He said charges regarding Syria's involvement in smuggling weapons to Hizbullah in Lebanon "have been made for a year. Intelligence services, probably from all over the world, operate on the Lebanese side of the border with Syria and the Israelis fly over Lebanon … I told them provide us with a single evidence that we have sent one missile to Hizbullah. These are fake claims."
Syria, Assad said, supports Hizbullah politically.
"We do not provide anybody with safe haven. They have their safe haven among the Lebanese people. This is the source of their strength," Assad said.
"As for support, this depends on the kind of support. We have good relations (with Hizbullah) and we support herm politically because they have a just cause," he added.
Assad also denied that Damascus airport is being used by terrorists as a springboard to fight the U.S. forces in Iraq.
"They enter illegally across the border and we've managed to arrest them," Assad stressed.
Asked to comment on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadenjad's call to wipe Israel off the Map, Assad said: "This is freedom of speech. Any person in the world has the right to express himself freely. This is just an expression."
Beirut, 09 Sep 07, 09:19
It is axiomatic that the news media is the last to know in Israel. From the time we arrived here, we have been told "the taxi drivers know." This could simply be urban legend, as I would very much like to believe, but recently I have been paying more attention as the taxi driver contingent in Jerusalem somehow gets wind of things ranging from sports to diplomacy to gossip and has oftentimes proved correct.Today's JPost subtly mentioned war with Syria as well:
The news media is full of dire reports of Syrian units moving up to the Golan; of an Arab daily in London claiming Hezbollah's "surprise" for Israel is chemical and biological weapons; Nasrallah's boast that he is more and better armed than last summer; the upsurge in diplomatic Double-Talk about how no one wants war but everyone will respond to Other's "aggression," and so forth....(from "A Baka Diary")
The problem with a large-scale operation right now is that the timing is off. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is busy preparing for the November peace summit in the US; a major operation that would most definitely draw many casualties would cause its cancellation. The IDF is also still concerned about the possibility of war with Syria; an operation in Gaza could turn that fear into a reality.So while everyone knows about and it's even Shabbat table talk, no one is coming out right to say it. Today, Israel still refuses to admit anything...but the elephant grows even larger.
Syria: Air defenses fired at Israeli aircraft over our airspaceYNET:
Syrian air defenses opened fire on Israeli aircraft that violated Syrian airspace overnight Thursday, a Syrian military spokesman said.
The Israelis broke the sound barrier and "dropped ammunition" over deserted areas of northern Syria overnight, the spokesman was quoted by the official Syrian Arab News Agency. (JPost)
"The Israeli enemy aircraft infiltrated into the Arab Syrian territory through the northern border, coming from the Mediterranean heading toward the eastern region, breaking the sound barrier," the spokesman said. "Air defense units confronted them and forced them to leave after they dropped some ammunition in deserted areas without causing any human or material damage."
Military sources declined comment on the report, saying "the IDF does not comment on reports of this nature."
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office said it was looking into the report.