Monday, March 24, 2008

Burka Babes Take Over Beit Shemesh!

scary stuff - not for the faint of heart.

Update: Just to be absolutely sure there is no misunderstanding, this video is 100% real. fake. Need proof? See what Mom in Israel has to say. (And she's one of the original Burka bloggers...after me of course :)

Hat-tips to: Lurker for sending me the email, and to the very talented Sara K Eisen and friends from the Nofei Aviv neighborhood of Beit Shemesh. Updated to include the following: Sara K Eisen's VERY TALENTED friends are Talli Rosenbaum (she of the swinging cellphone), Jaely Kurtz (who said, let's do a movie about those burqa ladies...), and Deb Weisblatt (who went to Ramle foraging for the Burqas!). Also Raanan Rosenbaum, 19, who is an amazing video editor, if you're making a simcha...

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד


Sarah Likes Green said...


Baila said...

Those ladies are way to sexy for their burkas!

Rafi G. said...

lol.. personalized burqas??

Anonymous said...

ok...i made this movie with some friends for purim. It's a JOKE, a jab at the phenomenon in RBS.


- Sara

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Sara K Eisen: We KNOW this was a Purim video! How can you take a blog named muqata (see the banner) THAT seriously?

Besides; the Forward Article you show in the video (still shot) includes credit to this blog for breaking the story to the jblogosphere :)

Anonymous said...

well...then hat tip!

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Sara E: Hat-tip to WHO? Do you have a blog I could hat-tip too?
I received an anonymous email tip about the video...

Anonymous said...

LOL...I punctuated incorrectly.


Well, then...Hat Tip!! (Rashi: I tip my hat to YOU, re: the Forward Article.)


YMedad said...

Sorry Ladies, don't take this personally but a lot more padding is needed. But, a great idea.

Anonymous said...

PS -

My VERY TALENTED friends are Talli Rosenbaum (she of the swinging cellphone), Jaely Kurtz (who said, let's do a movie about those burqa ladies...), and Deb Weisblatt (who went to Ramle foraging for the Burqas!). Also Raanan Rosenbaum, 19, who is an amazing video editor, if you're making a

Jack Steiner said...

Let's celebrate. Waffles for everyone.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Sara: OK, I'm updating the post with a hat-tip to everyone :)

Those Ninja/Burka outfits are from Shuk Ramle/Lod?!

If you send me Raanan's email, we'll give him a plug as well.

(Funny people like yourselves should definitely be blogging!)

mother in israel said...

Thanks for the link!

Holy Hyrax said...


Do all ladies in burkas look that good in high heels playing pool?

Jeremy Jacobs said...

But what are they wearing under those burkas?


Anonymous said...

:) lol grate vid. I live in Ramat beit shemsh and often see these ladies around witch gives me the creeps and jut makes me shake my head. Ive seen many od thme in rbs b

Gila said...

Oh-hilarious! Brilliantly done! Love the scene in Aroma.

Scraps said...

1) Your hands are showing. You clearly are still lacking in your understanding of tzniut.
2) In a couple of scenes, your legs show--oy vey!!! Indeed, your lack of understanding of tzniut grows by the minute.
3) The shiny letters on the outside of your burqas attract attention to yourselves and are untzanua. How many more times must I point out your lack of understanding of true tzniut?!


4) Don't worry, the above is TOTALLY meant in jest. Happy post-Purim! :-D

FrumGirl said...

That was priceless! Thanks, Jameel!

bec said...

what a disappointment!!!!
i thought you said bourekas!!!!!

great video, totally rofl

Anonymous said...

1. raanan rosenbaum (amazing video editor) is at
2. me having a blog would be like an alcoholic with beer in the fridge; i resist the temptation to write and enjoy it, so i can have time to write and get paid for it (here i see my analogy is faulty b/c i guess no one gets paid for drinking beer...but you know what i mean)

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Sara E: Lousy excuse! Blogging frees the soul :)

(And to the stupid commenter above, this is a family blog, so inappropriate comments are deleted.)

Anonymous said...

May free the soul...but not the schedule.

I don’t know how you bloggers manage to keep a gr8 blog going and still do life.

Kol hakavod, im just not there…..



rbtzn said...

[apparently i posted on the wrong post/site (serandez)...]

no makeup, sheitels, or having to pick out what to wear every day? what a life! :)

Anonymous said...

why were their knees repeatedly displayed (such as during the jogging scene)? very immodest...

BBJ said...

I assumed the big letters referred to sins they were overcoming--like Hester Prynne's A...

Kamagra said...

I think that this blog is very interesting, i love when people talk about Israel because these people has many different cultures, and i think that is good to know some of it cultures.

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