Unfortunately, my home is a target of the Obama administration -- if they would leave me alone, I'd would as well.
Its undeniable that the US is ratcheting up the pressure on Israel, and President Obama focused world attention on my home again yesterday at the United Nations General Assembly.
His quote:
"We continue to call on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel. And we continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements"How curious to call on Palestinians to "end incitement" and then immediately followup that the US does not accept "illegitimate Israeli settlements." Lumping these 2 unconnected issues together is morally unjustified. Incitement, terror and violence cannot be compared to settlement activity, especially while the Palestinians continue to build, creating their own "facts on the ground."
Its not only this humble blogger's opinion that Obama's after my home, but also that of former US Ambassador to UN, John Bolton. He stated about yesterday's speech by President Obama, "He put Israel on the chopping block"
Yisrael Medad found the connection. President Obama calls settlements illegitimate, and immediately the Palestinians translate this into "illegal"
Saeb Erakat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, said Obama’s address to the UN was "encouraging."Medad correctly connects the dots and points out that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called Israel a "counterfeit and illegitimate regime that cannot survive", in a live broadcast on state television.
"We very much appreciate President Obama’s statements on settlements being illegal and his calling for an end of the occupation," Erakat said in a telephone interview. "
"The Zionist regime is counterfeit and illegitimate and cannot survive," he said in a speech to a crowd in the town of Islamshahr in southwestern Tehran.
In an atmosphere of the Obama administration targeting Israel's Jewish population in the Yehuda vShomron/West Bank settlement communities, its no surprise that violent Palestinians Arab attacks are increasing over the past weeks. Its irrelevant for President Obama to call on Palestinians "to stop incitement", while mentioning settlement activity over and over again whenever Israel is the topic of discussion.
The Kalkilya/Shechem road 55 has seen a marked increase in rock and firebomb throwing attacks against Jewish motorists, including rock attacks on Rosh HaShana.
In the same area at the Havat Gilad (Gilad Farm) outpost, Arabs torched the fields surrounding the caravan community, resulting in the destruction of 2 caravans.
My 4rth grade daughter called me up the other day. almost tearfully asking how much money we could give. I asked her to calm down and slowly repeat what she was talking about.
"During Rosh HaShana, Arabs burned down the fields around my teacher's home in Havat Gilad...it burned down their home...and now they have nothing...we're collecting money to help them".
From A7:
The fire destroyed two buildings. One, the home of a couple and their young child, was completely destroyed. The family did not have time to remove any property before the blaze demolished their home, and their clothing, furniture, and other belongings were lost.
The second building, which was home to a couple and three children, sustained serious damage.
In addition, the electric lines and the main sewage line connecting Havat Gilad to the Samaria infrastructure were destroyed. The total cost of the damage is estimated at half a million shekels. (more here)

When the President of the United States incessantly spotlights Jewish communities, it tacitly understood by Palestinians that these communities are now legitimate targets.
It was not intentional, yet the message clearly heard by Palestinians is that no one will weep over the fate of "illegal" settlements or any terror attacks against them.
Note: Anyone wishing to send some tzedaka/charity before Yom Kippur to help these families rebuilt their homes, the following information was sent to me.
Dear Friend,
We are soliciting donations to help these unfortunate victims of terror to replace what was lost. The contributions are being administered by the Moetza Datit of Karnei Shomron. Checks should be made out to Keren Achiezer (קרן אחיעזר). I will be happy to pass them on to the Moetza Datit or they can be sent directly:
PO Box 250
212 Mishol HaCalanit
Karnei Shomron
Doar Na Lev HaShomron, Israel
Receipts will be given.
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Thanks for putting up with me, oops, that should be thanks for putting me up.
Unintentional or not, Obama speak radicalese, that special tongue of the dogmatic left-of-center humanists who kowtow to money. As such, for Obama, legal or not, our homes interfere with his worldview and his assumption of how to placate the Arabs and therefore, we are illegitimate.
Bad, bad.
He said nothing American Presidents haven't said before. There has always been this difference between Israel and the US since the Six Day War. The revanants have a secure future. Palestinian rejectionism will see to it that Jews will continue to live and build in Yesha - long after Obama is gone.
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