IDF Military Censor lifts news blackout blackout -- Jerusalem traffic has been snarled for hours due to a stuck Merkava-4 tank.
The Jerusalem Municipality wanted to impress pre-draft high school students by inviting the IDF to bring one of their top-of-the line IDF tanks to the Ben-Yehuda pedestrian mall. Unfortunately, the concrete traffic stoppers at the entrance to the mall prevented the tank carrier for delivering the tank.
After hours of trying to maneuver the tank to the pedestrian mall (and snarling Jerusalem's traffic as well), the frustrated organizers gave up and sent the tank back.

Source in Hebrew, photos from Gil Yochanan/YNET

After hours of trying to maneuver the tank to the pedestrian mall (and snarling Jerusalem's traffic as well), the frustrated organizers gave up and sent the tank back.

Source in Hebrew, photos from Gil Yochanan/YNET
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
...Oh, the "azov - yihiye b'seder!" metaphors galore here about Israeli tactical vs strategic planning, Jerusalem traffic and the light-rail line, the IDF, and press censorship (with 'bout a 1,000 cellcams per sq./ft.) and, speaking as a veteran IDF artilleryman, the woes of the transport driver... I can just imagine other IDF vets among the passers-by trying to take over the "mivtzat hilutz."
Great story!
This would be the same pillars which were put in place by the municipality to narrow the roads to make driving in town less a less attractive before they had provided a viable public transport alternative?
Oh yeah, and which will hinder access to the centre of town by emergency services.
Yellow Boy.
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