(And extra crunchy as well)
hat-tip: JoeSettler
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Please tell me that is not real
People don't expect there to be a real, raw, unboned frog in there. They're bound to think it's some form of mock frog. I shall immediately notify the company marketing these that in the future, they should include on the label the legend "crunchy raw unboned real dead frog", if they want to avoid prosecution.
it must have come from the reform seminary trefah banquet which had frogs legs on the menu. (But no pork).Its a slippery slope. 1st the legs and then the rest of the frog. oi vey!
Could be a Photoshop goodie...Top middle pickle is suspect. I really hope that's what it is. Where'd you find this charming pic?
And what' with the "unboned" bit?? This little froggie looks like he still has all his bones.
OMG, I'm going to be sick.....
His eyes are open. How could he be dead? Must be a Photoshop ribbit ribbit!
Anonymous @ 3:52 AM: And what' with the "unboned" bit?? This little froggie looks like he still has all his bones.
Yes. "Unboned" means "bones not removed".
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