I'd say that at my workplace there are less than a dozen people or so who know I that I blog. I was invited today to see a "home-made" movie that was shown at a department dinner last night, and the movie was absolutely hilarious. We were all on the floor laughing as the our colleagues parodied themselves and life at work.
Nothing could have prepared me though for the ending...as the credits rolled up the screen with the list of actors, the name "Jameel Rashid" was inncoculously placed among them by one of those who know about this blog.
Less than a dozen know who "Jameel Rashid" really is, but it was very amusing seeing the name of someone who doesn't exist, up in lights...
Nothing could have prepared me though for the ending...as the credits rolled up the screen with the list of actors, the name "Jameel Rashid" was inncoculously placed among them by one of those who know about this blog.
Less than a dozen know who "Jameel Rashid" really is, but it was very amusing seeing the name of someone who doesn't exist, up in lights...
You guys are very funny.
Can we get back to work now?
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Do you prefer not too many people be aware of your blog alias in your surroundings?
funny story. though you never really know who knows you are blogging. lots of people might be readnig anonymously..
that is why i never put up anything about my work.. so I do not get fired if someone reads it..
Does it drive you nuts when non bloggers show that 'they know what you do'?
Dear Jameel,
We wanted to use the clip we (thought we) had where you complain about your job, and said you wanted to join our department, but we couldn't find it.
In any event, we're glad to hear you enjoyed it.
The credits of all the Suki and Ding albums all have the name of someone (not in the band) playing a nonexistent instrument (a different instrument on every album).
lol... funny!
but isn't it nice to know you are part of the in-joke of the office as opposed to not having a clue? ;)
Cutesy. I would kill the person who did that to me.
anonymous 4:02 -
Using the latest in blog stat counter technology, he probably knows who you are now. Watch your back :)
very cute...
Do you know how much time and effort it took for me to get a hold of the guys in your office.
Oops, maybe I should keep quiet about that.
I know.. but I spoke to Jameel on the phone a few hours ago :)
Since I've been known to blog *about* my office, I don't dare publish *from* my office, nor do I dare reveal that I blog, because I *like* my job, and I intend to keep it. Therefore, I never publish posts or comment to posts on my own blog, nor do I open my blogger e-mail account, nor do I comment on other people's blogs using my blogger name, while at the office.
Call me paranoid, but I think you should be careful, Jameel.
I was working for (specific arts organization) in (city), circa oh, 1994, and as a practical joke we scanned the general director's picture and put it on a co-worker's computer as wallpaper.
When she returned to the office we knew when she'd sat down at her computer when we heard her scream "GET THIS F***ING THING OFF MY COMPUTER!!!"
Then someone had the brilliant idea of doing the same thing to the general director's computer with a picture of an artist he'd just fired, and instead managed to crash the whole network!
Aaaah, the good ole days...
chana: dont get me started about what I used to do in the "good old days" Ive reformed since then :)
Shira: I never blog anything "bad" about the office that would make anyone upset. But I try to keep a lower profile at work...
Jack: yeah, now it all makes sense.
kasamba: its not that bad :)
fine - Im exhausted...and off to bed. will rpely to more comments in the morning...
Speaking of wallpaper jokes @ office -- I've used (I mean, haven't used) this one several times, to great effect.
We always used to tell people that they must lock their PC's whenever they're not there. Of course, no one ever listened. The first time, I'd minimize all windows, and take a screen shot of the desktop. Then, I'd set the wallpaper to the screenshot (in other words, nothing changed, except an image of the desktop icons was now present on the wallpaper). Finally, all the actual icons were moved to a different folder.
Posting anonymously not because I need to hide (those who know me know who I am), but this way, I can always deny it if needed
LOL - THAT is clever!! I would never have thought of that!!
J - I don't think I could breathe for a half hour, I was laughing so hard. :P
Our receptionist was a semiretired guy who was a terrible prankster. Even the silliest things like opening a file cabinet to a fake hand holding a coke can!
You mean Jameel Rashid isn't a real person?????
Didn't know that they had movie night in Ramallah.
Next time, let the Air Force know where and when it'll be
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