Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sweden Outraged by Israeli Lampoon video

Sweden needs to chill out.

The Israeli "Latma" satire site puts up weekly satire news and commentary videos -- and Swedes doesn't appreciate the negative publicity after a Swedesh newspaper libeled Israel for "allegedly" selling Palestinian body parts.

Hundreds of angry Swedish comments appear on the youtube video clip (with Swedish subtitles). The video is getting publicity in Sweden through their own media which reported it.

Here it is with English Subtitles...

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annie said...

LMAO! This is just brilliant! I can't stop laughing :-). Thanks Jameel, now I'll be humming that tune all day..

Anneli said...


I do think you are wrong most Swedes think its funny and well earned, and our media have not mentioned it, only the blogs, especially pro-Israelblogs.

And please remember most swedes are not negative to Israel and are not antisemites. The left and the muslims are swimming in their own lake.

realRightWinger said...

They should play this at the Ikea entrance...

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Anneli: Thanks for your comment -- it's good to know there are decent people there as well (and with a sense of humor :)

Regards from Israel!


Yochanan said...

Just want to point out that the Swedish news article you're linking to ("Sweden doesn't appreciate the negative publicity") doesn't say anything negative about the video. The text just says the video has been made and is very popular on the Internet.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Thanks Yochanan - I'll move the link a bit lower (the angry comments are on youtube)

srulik said...

Watch the Latma video on Ram Emanuelemel. A must for all the American Jewish Liberals (especially for DovBear, if he is reading).

ProfK said...

Note to those Swedes involved: if you're going to dish it out, learn to take it. Some Swedes are angry about the video? My heart bleeds for them--not. The days when Jews raised no voices to blatant anti-semitism and just plain lies are long over. In case the Swedes didn't notice, it's not 1939 now, it's 2009.

Cory said...

That song will be in my head all day.
Certainly, if the Swedes can justify a newspaper article such as the one that caused to much controversy on the basis of free speech, certainly they can tolerate a comedy skit that merely critiques their mindset!
Naturally, their freedom of speech should allow them to say whatever they wish about it. I'll bet it won't be long before they make almost exactly the same video about Israelis.

Anonymous said...

Great video!

And the link to Abba, we were always told not to listen to abba as they supported the PLO (showing that such attitudes are not new)

Lurker said...

Anonymous: ...we were always told not to listen to abba as they supported the PLO...

I never heard such a thing. Can you provide a source?

Kae Gregory said...

You all obviously don't see the seriousness of this offense. Picture this: Swedes all over the world - in twos and threes (alright - ones and twos) rampaging through the streets, throwing meatballs and giving themselves hernias while trying to overturn cars in riotous outrage. Imagine the medical expenses alone!

Jack Steiner said...

That was funny.

NormanF said...

Caroline Glick owns the site. I'm happy the Swedes don't consider it funny. Then again, they didn't take Israel's complaint about the Aftonbladet blood libel seriously. Its all very different when the shoe is on the other foot. It certainly made an impact!

Cory said...

NormanF, the shoe isn't on the other foot at all. There's no comparison. On the one hand, you had a widley circulated newspaper carrying a false, highly damaging story that garnered international attention and promulgated a version of a centuries old myth, and in this, you have some silly people dressing in strange outfits and singing silly songs. The shoe would be on the other foot if Jpost, or something somewhat less reputable but with a wider circulation published an unverified story about how Scandinavians were getting on ships dressed as vikings and making illegal landings in foreign countries, stumbling ashore drunk, with some totally unverifiable claims that they attempted to fornicate with polar bears and claim Norwegian soverinty over a foreign country before being deported back home.
Oh wait. Something like that actually did happen: (they're Norwegian though, not Swedes).

Cheap Viagra said...

What a video but the rare part of this video is when some of those men tried to kiss the other one what a embarrassing situation.

LJS said...

It's a bit funny, but honestly I can see why some Swedes might be offended. Saying that they as a people are primitive, phlegmatic, and annoying putzes is not exactly kind. It's not much better than antisemitism, except that Swedes have never really been a persecuted minority. I'm not sure that responding to libel with another libel is really a constructive response, even when it's humorous. Though if it helps some of them understand how hurtful an odious big lie can be, then go to it.

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