Monday, May 02, 2011

Military Ethics

America assassinated a terrorist yesterday. One who wasn't a ticking bomb at the time. The US has no problem admitting they sent the team in to kill, not capture the terrorist. A human shield (willing or not, is unknown) was killed in the process. And the terrorist's body was dumped into the sea.

You can guarantee, that unlike in Israel, the soldiers who killed the human shield won't be tried in a civil or military court for that, or even berated. You can guarantee that the politicians are not debating if Osama should have been captured instead of killed - even if he wasn't a ticking bomb at the time. And you can guarantee that no one is complaining how the US treated the terrorist's body.

Asa Kasher should learn something from this.

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Renegade said...

Although I agree with your overall point I'll have to disagree on him being a ticking bomb.

True, there was no concern of him carrying out any terrorist acts himself, but I think his leading / giving orders etc. qualifies him as a ticking bomb

NormanF said...

The Asa Kashers of the world believe rabid beasts deserve our compassion.

I believe as most people do they should be eliminated before they take more innocent human lives with them.

Now that is true ethics!

Renegade said...

I guess we're 100% in agreement. I misunderstood your post, when you said not "a ticking bomb at the time" I didn't realize you meant "not a ticking bomb according to the standards the world holds Israel to"

Mark said...

You can guarantee, that unlike in Israel, the soldiers who killed the human shield won't be tried in a civil or military court for that, or even berated.

You can guarantee that the identities of those soldiers will not be made public for quite some time.

That's a big mistake that Israel repeatedly makes.

SF2K01 said...

Ironically enough, they actually were complaining how the US treated his body with people like Hamas claiming the US was actively disgracing it by buying it at sea.

Not So Fast said...

You can guarantee, that unlike in Israel, the soldiers who killed the human shield won't be... even berated. You can guarantee that the politicians are not debating if Osama should have been captured instead of killed - even if he wasn't a ticking bomb at the time. And you can guarantee that no one is complaining how the US treated the terrorist's body.

Sorry, but you're wrong. Here's one clueless leftist moron who's got a problem with the fact that the US killed Bin Laden...

JoeSettler said...


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