This is a very serious video put out by Avot U'Banim about the importance of learning with your kids. Taking a sobby story and turning it into a video, the message is still clear and powerful (albeit, still sobby.) Couldn't find it anywhere on the web, so I uploaded it myself -- see it here
Hattip: My sister in law, J.
After everything we've seen about extravagant Bar Mitzvas, this video should definitely win an award. While it probably cost the kid's parents a few extra Shekels, the upside is that as opposed to a lavish party which only the invited get to enjoy, this video is available for everyone to see. From all of us at the Muqata, We wish Ethan a very very happy BarMitzva.
Hattip: Litvshe
Warning: The following video clip is totally politically incorrect. As the Muqata's favorite holy book, JoeSettler sent us this, "It's in the Koran." To tell you the truth, I don't have streaming media access, and I only heard part of it being played over the phone. Yet, Naomi Ragen sent it out to her list, so it can't be that bad...I hope.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
I guess it is in the eye of the beholder. The Koran video is as bad as any antisemitic diatribe - except that:
1) Jews don't usually retaliate to these types of attacks on them by blowing up innocents (if we respond at all)
2) There is factual basis for the material. Keep the Muqata locked and guarded if you are going to link to this type of material. Of course the guy that produced it should be even more careful...
However I didn't find it funny.
Mike: Thanks...let me know where I can find a non-streaming version.
Gee: I guess Funny is in the eye of the beholder. We'll see what our other Muqata viewers have to say...
And the other 2 videos?
The Koran video is truthful.
The truth has been known to offend some Muslims lately.
Actually, I think that Hamas should try this - after all, they're seeking ways to "soften their message" aren't they....
You finally give me credit for one of the many links I've sent you, and which one is it?
The one where I now have to worry about retaliation from Suicide Bloggers.
Great links. I thought that the Star Mitzvah was great. From searching on IMDB, I might have found this guys mother. We (me and a friend) believe that his parents must be very powerful people in the entertainment business. No other way he can get all the stars to say just happy bar-mitzvah.
Great videos - I liked the first and the last - the second one was good, but I was just disgusted with the perverted meaning of Bar Mitzva in those circles. Those are truly "The Comfortable Jews" if you know what I mean.
Hilarious video... Not for Denmark, though.
re the first, the theme is old and i might even think it was stolen so to speak from this contemporary popular song:
H here from Ze'ev's blog.
To tell you the truth all three videos made me feel queasy. The first was just too corny. The second made me realise that American Judaism is just lost. The third made me realise that the Islamophobia of today is truly a threat to the World Order. If concerned Jews can think this is funny, instead of seeing in it the shades of Antisemitic hatred thrown against us in the past, our own hatred has clearly blinded us.
H: Video one was sappy as I wrote. Still, the message is important.
I don't think that Video two means that US Jewry is lost. Granted there are lots who are intermarrying and dropping out of the religion, but there are lots who are committed to Judasim who are continuing to build our people -- they understand that the key word is "mitzva" in Bar Mitzva, and are religiously connected.
Video Three: I don't think that Islamophobia of today is truly a threat to the World Order, rather radical Islam is a threat to world order. If radical Islam can interpret a movie like this, or a cartoon in Europe and then react the way they are in my posting above (Insane Islamic Hatred) I honestly don't think the 3rd video is hatred-driven -- yet how can you honestly compare radical Islam's war on the West (and the resulting video) with Jewish actions (???) and Anti Semitism?
video one is promoting avot ubanim, a programme for fathers and their sons to learn together - it is unbelievably cheesy also unoriginal
video 2 sets a new gold standard for barmitzvas so should be valued for that reason alone
video 3 is unfunny and deeply offensive in my view. It is simple minded at best - you could do this for the Bible just as well as the Koran. It is hardly a critique of radical Islam and where it goes dangerously wrong is that it tars all Muslims with the same brush - this makes it irresponsible and untrue. one of the dangers of radical Islam is that it radicalises all debate and drowns out moderate voices - this sort of material is part of this process and is reprehensible and should not be promoted. The link to anti-semitism is that of unreasoning prejudice based around negative stereotyping. And those people who smugly feel Jews don't behave as badly as others are simply indulging in naive and unrealistic chauvinism. Anyway I would urge you to remove all links to this - by promoting it you are condoning this
Dan (an MO Jew living in the UK)
Jameel, unfortunately too many people forget why they even have a family. The music of the video is distracting but it still a poignant point. Perhaps they should have had "Cats in the Cradle" as the theme music in the background.
As for last video, I don't find it offensive. If you read between the lines, it's absolutely correct this tongue and cheek. It's not the real philosophy of the Koran, it's centuries of an aggressive, male dominated cultural society that is using the Koran, which is no difference then centuries of Christians using the Bible to support their prejudices and agenda.
First video : Important message, poorly done.
Second video: I am sure Ethan appreciated the Muqata's wishes more than any of the celebs's...enjoyable to see all the celebrities not quite know what to say...
Third video: Not funny.
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