This picture was taken on Lag BaOmer. (credit A7 via Lurker)
Who said the following?
"Since when is it that the day a tzaddik dies is a holiday?"
"How can there be a holiday for a day when no miracle occurred and isn't mentioned in the Mishna, Talmud, or any hint at all in the Tanach?"
Things that make you go hmmm.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Wild guess: Chasam Sofer?
Hmm... sounds like one of those provocative anti-tradition rants from DovBear...
it is like the story of the guy who goes into the falafel shop and asks if he has a hechsher. The falafel guy points to the picture of the Baba Sali on the wall and says, "Look, the Baba Sali is watching"
So the customer responds, I would feel better if the Baba Sali was serving and your picture is on the wall!
i'm confused. Chug chasam sofer happens to be a rather reliable hechsher, found on many mentos in e"y.
For one thing ed, plenty of chareidim don't eat chug chasam sofer bnai brak.
But that wasn't jamal's point. I think he was just pointing out the irony that the name on the hechsher was chasam sofer, while the chasam sofer himself doesn't hold of this whole lag ba'omer business.
Totally missed the irony, and you're right I confused the circle and the square chasam sofer hechsherim
Totally missed the irony, and you're right I confused the circle and the square chasam sofer hechsherim
Oy, Reb Jameel...
I'm actually very disappointed.
Things that make you go hmmm...
I'll tell you: "Hmmm, so all those mekubalim and rebbes that hold that lag baomer is a holy and important day are just... wrong!!!"
"Oh, and of course the kitvei Arizal that we have are not the real thing, R' Chaim Vital probably manipulated them plus all the transcription errors... Hmmm..."
Jameel, such "hmmms" won't do us any good, and certainly will not improove our hold on Eretz Hakodesh.
How about some simple emunat chachamim? And if you're really bothered by these questions, bring them face to face to a rav and don't rely on internet articles (btw, comment 24 to that article said that rav Kosman didn't say such a thing.)
An excellent article is here: (It touches on these same questions, but it won't make you go hmmm, definitelly not in the same way.)
Reb Anonymous (from 1:22 AM) -
The picture and my comment do not detract from the Arizal, Lag Baomer, the Chasam Sofer, or Rashbi!
My posting was rather neutral about whether I believe R' Kosman's article or not, though the Chasam Sofer's point was very clear.
In light of that article from last year, I thought it ironic (or actually, humorous) that a "Rashbi" pizza store would have the Chasam Sofer "hashgacha" on it.
That's it...please don't look too deeply into a picture of a pizza store.
Ah jamal, you're much too generous, considering that that website's top story is currently "The Beriatic Mind, ESP & Hishtavut. Ascent, Lesson Nine".
Oops. I meant to say Jameel.
A day on which no miracle occured, and isn't mentioned in traditional Jewish sources...
Yom HaAtzmaut?
Anonymous: Oy, Reb Jameel... I'm actually very disappointed... How about some simple emunat chachamim?
Which chachamim do you mean? Do you mean chachamim like the Chasam Sofer, who wrote very explicitly that people should not be going to Meiron and celebrating Lag B'Omer?
you can write some biographies of personnalities of
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