After half an hour, we were called in. Unlike previous court appearances, which took place in a formal courtroom, this proceeding was in a small conference room with Judge Guy de Phillips at the head of the table.Sara and I affirmed that all the information we had earlier provided on our written submissions was true and correct and that there had been no material changes. The clerk then had us confirm our signatures as well as Meira’s new name. The Judge then put some stuff on the record and signed the order of adoption.
As he signed, he said, “As I sign this order of adoption, I am signing an order of love.”
We all choked back tears.
The following is a recollection of the judge's next statement:
Judge de Phillips said that he felt privileged to be there and to meet us. He said that in a world in which there is so much evil, loving children is an act of adoption humanity and that the more people who love children in this world, the better off we are. He said that that to raise a child is a courageous act and that adoption was an affirmation of man’s goodness. He said that, in a way, all those who are loved by their parents are “adopted,” whether their parents are birth parents or not. Finally, he said that he was 72 years old and had presided over many adoptions. This was the first time he had seen so many agency staff members present.
Read it all at "Mommy, am I adopted now?" at the Jewish Star.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Very cool. Nice to read good news.
Mazal Tov!
Thanks! May we continue to share b'sorot tovot.
Chag sameach!
Thanks for sharing!
I think it would be appropriate to include the website of OHEL, the organization that coupled Meira with her parents.
Just wonderful, a chosen child.
Blessing on the heads of ya all.
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