Writer-In-Training: this is all your influence
I'm stuck in my writing so I decided to make waffles instead
Jameel: Awesome!
Waffles rock :-)
Writer-In-Training: especially blueberry ones
Inspired by the Muqata, a hungry reader made blueberry waffles for breakfast, sending us this picture today:

hat-tip: the no-longer-hungry-writer-in-training
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They look good, but why Aunt Jemima? Try pure natural dark maple syrup - nothing else. Delicious.
Rasist Syrup! (I want waffels!)
Think it is about time for another tiyul followed by a waffle breakfast.
Michael H: Are you referring to these:
Obama Waffles – Racist or Fair Satire?
Neshama, I am using satire to point out that in Obama's America everything is labled rascist if it dosen't agree with the Obama?Socialist adgenda.
Also I am angry that I can't have waffles as I am on a diet.
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