Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The Third Intifada

There’s a lot of talk about the “Third Intifada” in the news lately (the first whispers of the Third Intifada were already being heard more than a year ago).

Arguments are coming from all sides explaining the latest upswing in Arab violence occurring on both sides of the “Green Line”, either as the start of the “next” Intifada, the warning signs of the coming third Intifada, or having no connection at all to any Intifada and it’s just a hiccup or related to internal Arab politics (isn’t it always).

Other theories say it’s related to the death of the “Peace Process”, while some connect it to statements by Obama, that by unconditionally promising them a Palestinian State in 2 years regardless of their actions, they’re now free to attack Israel and Jews without consequence.

I’ll leave it to Lurker to pontificate if the First Initifada was spontaneous or directed, but the Second Initifada was clearly planned and directed by the PA.

This Third Initifada which is upon us, and has been growing for a while is clearly directed by various actors in the Arab/Islamic arena including Iran, Hamas, the PA, and the Islamic Brotherhood (Do I include Hizbollah and Al Quida? I don't think so at the moment), some working together, some separately to create this groundswell of violence –but all with the same goal.

Their method this time appears to be to get it going from the bottom up, while having it look undirected, through creating an atmosphere from above through incitement, rumor and even outright statements that sends the clear message out.

But the recent arrest of Islamic Brotherhood figures, statements by Ahmed Tibi, and other PA officials show that the orders are coming from on top.

Currently the violence is “limited” to random drive-by shootings, Jerusalem rioting, bulldozers, rock throwing, arson, stabbings, and antiquities destruction. I would exclude the mortar and Kassam attacks as part of the definition – at this stage.

But all these participants clearly have an interest in stoking the fire.

And they can control it.

The question is will they turn the Third Intifada into something full-blown or not?

Or perhaps the real question is, will Israel tolerate a Third Intifada, and how will we respond?

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AlexY said...

While I agree with anonymous, I'm afraid nothing will be done in time. Once gain, you'll see an acceleration of the moove, and the climax should be in 3-6 months time, especially if there are more indicators of an isaeli operation against Iran. Hopefully, I'll be wrong...

Lakewood Falling Down said...

Looking at a big picture from my perspective, here in galus we are not taught about the love we are supposed to have for Israel until we are in 12th grade or later. It’s like a fairy tale or myth, and unless you live there it’s not a reality. It reminds me of those Chassidish couples who never see each other much less a girl, and then are expected to create a healthy and stable marriage. It’s hard to care about something that is being abused and taken away if you don’t have a connection to it. My PERSONAL feeling is that SOME (meaning obviously not all or even most) non religious, while feeling patriotic, may not have the “love” for the land that we (meaning I) are supposed to have. It’s hard to defend the land when it’s not your “love”, and sons, daughters, brothers, sisters and wives are being killed for it. Until you realize, that as Israel goes, so do the rest of the Jews (yes you to Nuturei Karta!). We are all in the same boat, and like American infrastructure, we don’t upkeep until there is a disaster. Appeasement has never been the answer. – “Currently the violence is “limited” to random drive-by shootings, Jerusalem rioting, bulldozers, rock throwing, arson, stabbings, and antiquities destruction. I would exclude the mortar and Kassam attacks as part of the definition – at this stage.” What if this was going on in the streets of DC? (I say DC because it’s kind of like that in Newark). We are to accepting. We must daven harder, behave ourselves, and fight back. Kudos to Mrs. LFD who fights back by learning and being serious about Shmiras Halashon.

Lurker said...

I’ll leave it to Lurker to pontificate if the First Initifada was spontaneous or directed...


Lurker said...

Or perhaps the real question is, will Israel tolerate a Third Intifada, and how will we respond?

The level of global hatred and hostility against Israel has reached levels previously unknown. If a Third Intifada happens now, any sort Israeli response whatsoever -- even a very weak one -- will result in universal condemnations of Israel, and the formalization of official boycotts and sanctions against us, that will culminate in Israel's international isolation as a complete pariah state, not unlike the status imposed a few years back upon apartheid South Africa.

Anything Israel does to protect its citizens from a new wave of Arab terror -- anything at all -- will inevitably bring this down upon us. There is no way around it. This is unfortunate, but its the reality.

The Palestinians know this very well. It is a major weapon at their disposal, and they are currently trying to decide whether to deploy it right now, or wait a bit longer.

JoeSettler said...

"Pontificate" : Preach, sound off, state your opinion.
I think it's the right word.

Lurker said...

JoeSettler: "Pontificate" : Preach, sound off, state your opinion.

Um... take a look.

JoeSettler said...

What's your question? :)

"To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way."

pontificate - talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner;
"The new professor always pontificates"

Lurker said...

JoeSettler: pontificate - talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner;

Gee, thanks...

Anonymous said...

Well, here is my 2 cents then:
Israel's reaction to an uprising will give Obama the excuse to isolate Israel even more;
secondly, the US will approve the loud chorus demanding that Israel dismantle all nuclear weapons or face international sanctions.

My dear friends, in the bottom of our hearts we all knew that one day we would stand alone. It's not happening tomorrow, but it is coming. Every Jew, and friend of Israel, should prepare to defend Israel and the Jewish people.

Just don't run out of ammo, no one is sending anymore resupply planes.

Anonymous said...

obama has just won the Nobel peace prize?

What a mockery of the prize. The only greater mockery was when Arafat got it.

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