As Likud voters head for the polls to determine a new leader for the Likud, Moetzet Yesha has picked its head up out of the sand and told everyone to vote for Netanyahu.
Vaad Rabanei Yesha -- and Rav Dov Lior have told Likud voters they should vote for an Emuni candidate; Moshe Feiglin. Emuni doesn't mean "religious", but is based on the word Emuna, "Faith".
Vaad Rabanei Yesha -- and Rav Dov Lior have told Likud voters they should vote for an Emuni candidate; Moshe Feiglin. Emuni doesn't mean "religious", but is based on the word Emuna, "Faith".
The hope being, that leaders who are strong in Faith, will not change their views and policies based on foreign pressure and domestic (modified) public opinion polls. They will remain true to the platform on which they were elected.
Pipe dreams maybe, but Israel was also built on a dream, and 100 years ago the very concept of a Jewish State was viewed as a bitter joke.
For more information on Moshe Feiglin and the Manhigut Yehudit faction within the Likud, please go here for an excellent posting on the WestBank Mama & Papa website.
PS: Shiloh Muse: This is an internal Likud posting, and not a call to arms for everyone to vote Likud...
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Does it have one of those Jerusalem Compass things built in?
Q. What are we, in Israel, supposed to use to find Jerusalem?
A. The Jerusalem GPS. It magically shows you a map of Israel and where you are in relation to Jerusalem.
It's incredible 'shortest path' algorithm tells you whether to turn to your left or to your right in order to pivot the minimal amount of difference to face the Jerusalem and to save on travel time.
Its built into my Leitner Hebrew Calander watch.
Hey. I got one of those.
Great concept. Implementation needs some work.
Thank you very much for the link. My first! (Do I say shehechiyanu?)
WBM/P: Thanks is good enough - no bracha needed.
You're yotze.
I'd rather have Bibi than the alternative, so if I could vote that's what I would do. It's nice to vote for Feiglin, but you might put the wrong person at the head of the Likud that way.
Ezzie: Meaning the right person, like Bibi who gave away Chevron, who couldn't manage to halt the Oslo process when the PA police force opened fire everywhere and rioted as a result of the Kotel Tunnel openings? The person who waffled on the Wye agreement, promised he was getting Pollard out of jail, and then looked like an idiot when Clinton had no idea what he was talking about?
I'm not such a big bibi fan myself. I don't see him as any better then sharon. Birds of a feather and just a manipulitable as sharon by the americans.
Bibi gave away Chevron?
What about Texaco?
Joe Settler: Doesn't Bush live in Texaco?
but Jammy, dear, I'm a veteran Likud dues-payer, but in the election booth...
...and what about the cute little logo you promised?
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