CoBloggers LiveBlogging and round the clock features/updates as well: IsraelMatzav and IsraellyCool
7:44 PM Rocket lands next to a Kibbutz in the Shaare HaNegev region. No injuries or damage.
7:39 PM Two rockets hit the Shaar HaNegev area at 7:31 PM. No injuries or damage. New Color Red Sirens going off NOW at 7:38 PM.
7:22 PM Witness says Pisgat Zeev may not have been a terror attack, but that it looked like 2 people with guns who got into a fight with one another and pulled out weapons on each other. But there was also a terror alert near Pisgat Zeev, so we don't know if this is related or not.
7:14 PM Channel 2 Israel TV reports that yet another cease fire will be going into effect in the next few hours. Stay tuned (but don't get your hopes up)
6:50 PM One rocket lands in open area in Negev region. No injuries or damage reported.
6:47 PM Gaza Rockets launched at Negev Region...Color Red Alarms in multiple communities.
6:08 PM Palestinian Sources Report that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are starting their cease fire now (at 6 PM) and not at 9 PM, as reported earlier.
5:40 PM Confirmed -- eyewitness phone call to Muqata Newsroom - Terrorist apprehended near Pisgat Zeev shopping center. Eyewitness fled the scene to safety via the light rail...(though I can't imagine anyone running slower than the light rail...)
5:36 PM Unconfirmed: Terrorist apprehended by shopping mall in Pisgat Zeev.
5:33 PM Continuing report below, there are multiple unconfirmed reports of a car chase by police -- chasing a white Skoda car. Shots fired. Car is reportedly going onto Road 443.
5:30 PM Ongoing unconfirmed reports of a terrorist in Jerusalem, police have set-up road blocks in the Northern neighborhoods of the city. There is zero confirmation that a terrorist is running down the street in Pisgat Zeev, however there are police roadblocks going up...
5:17 PM Unconfirmed reports of an armed terrorist loose on in Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood of Jerusalem. Witnesses say citizens are drawing weapons and joining police to chase him down.
4:58 PM Police announce that road 12 in the South is closed to traffic, and that checkpoints outside Eilat have caused a 20 kilometer backup on highway 90.
4:51 PM Rocket launched at Ashkelon Beach Region...apparently fell in an open area. No reported injuries or damage.
4:22 PM Released for publication: 8th victim from Thursday's terror attack -- Yitzchak Sela.
4:21 PM IDF has targeted a car in Zeitun in Gaza.
4:19 PM Ongoing IDF strikes on Hamas, 8 wounded so far (reported by Hamas websites)
4:17 PM Minister of Internal Security Aharonovitch: We must be prepared for many days of escalation in the south... (Reshet Bet, Channel 2 Israel Radio)
4:08 PM Ynet: IAF attacked a Hamas police station in Northern Gaza.
4:06 PM Ynet reports that Hamas government in Gaza is calling for a cease-fire from all the terror organizations in Gaza starting at 9 PM this evening.
3:55 PM Reports that the rocket attack minutes ago on Israel from Gaza was a phosphorous mortar shell.
3:49 PM Rocket lands in open area near community in Lachish region. No injuries or damage.
3:43 PM Color Red Siren in one of the Lachish communities.
3:04 PM Take a break and see this video of the grand opening of Jerusalem light rail train.
2:54 PM Almost 3 hours since the last rocket attack on Israel. Hoping it will remain quiet...
2:43 PM Walla reports that the cost of every single Iron Dome anti-missile rocket is $50,000. Since the terror attack on Israel last week, Israel use of the Iron Dome system has cost the Israeli taxpayer $1.2 million. With the cost of each Qassam rocket running at under $28, how long will it take Gaza to bankrupt our economy?
2:23 PM IDF Homefront Command issues stern warning to Israelis: Upon hearing color red warnings and air raid sirens, you must go to a secure location/bomb shelter. Do not attempt to take pictures of videos of the iron dome system in action, as you could endanger yourself. Do not post photos of the locations of rocket strikes, so as not to help the enemy better calibrate their rocket launches.
2:16 PM Jordan slams Israel for defending itself...refuses to do the bare minimum of condemning terror attacks on Israel.
"Jordan rejects and condemns Israel's military escalation and operations in Gaza that have killed civilians as well as Egyptian officers," Information Minister Abdullah Abu Rumman said in a statement carried by the state-run Petra news agency.2:03 PM YNET reports of BeerSheva residents leaving to other parts of Israel to escape the ongoing barrages of Gaza rockets.
Jordan, which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994, "rejects any acts that target civilians," said Abu Rumman, who also acts as government spokesperson.
"The kingdom calls for an immediate halt to this dangerous military escalation in order to avoid repercussions that could threaten the security and stability of the region," he said. (Now Lebanon)

12:45 PM Last night while BeerSheva was attacked by rockets from Gaza, the "social justice tent protestors in Tel Aviv" held a protest march, expressing "solidarity" with the south "and Gaza." Stav Shapir, one of the protest leaders announced that the Israeli government was using the current escalation in the south to divert the public from the tent protests. They should protest in BeerSheva, not Tel Aviv.

12:38 PM IAF warplanes and IDF artillery sporadically attacking targets in the Northern Gaza strip. Reports of a hit on a Qassam launching squad in Beit Lahiya with 2 wounded.
12:10 PM Niece of Minister for Religious Affairs Ya'akov Margi seriously wounded in Grad attack on Be'er Sheva.
12:01 PM Rocket launched at Ashkelon Beach region...Color Red Sirens...lands in open area. No injuries or damage
11:50 AM Egyptian press reports that Gaza fired rockets this morning mistakenly landed in Egyptian territory. No damage or injuries.
Video of Iron Dome missile defense system knocking down Grad missiles on Saturday night.
10:31 AM Color Red Sirens in South Surrounding-Gaza communities
10:22 AM Color Red Alert system sounds in Ashkelon area. Explosions heard south of Ashkelon, probably fell in open area. No reports of injuries.
10:21 AM In the 10:02 rocket attack, 2 rockets were fired at BeerSheva. No known injuries or damage reported.
10:18 AM Israel Tel-Aviv stock market opens today with falling indexes (fallen 4.3%)
10:16 AM Two GRAD rockets hit BeerSheva; Forces responding.
10:02 AM Color Red Alert in BeerSheva.
10:05 AM Map of Gaza rocket range.
9:32 AM In the previous rocket attack on BeerSheva, the missile that evaded the Iron Dome system hit a high school (and caused damage). Luckily, due to summer vacation, the school was empty.
9:11 AM 5 rockets shot at Beer Sheva. 4 intercepted by Iron Dome system, 1 hits building. No injuries reported -- damage caused to building.
8:53 AM Color Red rocket warning system sounding in BeerSheva. In 7:10 AM attack on Ashkelon, the Iron Dome anti-rocket system successfully downed 3 rockets, not 2 as previously reported. No injuires or damage reported.
7:10 AM 2 rockets launched at ashkelon are successfully intercepted by iron dome. no casualties or damage reported.
5:25 AM Rocket alerts going off all night in Ashdod, Ashkelon and those areas. Rocket just hit Ashkelon a few minutes ago. Others apparently hit during the night.
12:03 AM Unfortunately, it looks like the Muqata Blog is going into war reporting mode. As I type this, the "Inner Cabinet of 8" is meeting at the Ministry of Defense offices in the Kirya, Tel-Aviv, to discuss Israel's response to the attacks over the past few days. The Inner cabinet includes PM Netanyanu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Leiberman, Finance Minister Yuval Steinetz, Interior Minster Eli Yishai, Moshe Yaalon, Benny Beigin, and Dan Meridor.
At 11:23 PM tonight, 2 more rockets were launched at Israel from Gaza, no reported damage or injuries.
In a GRAD rocket attack against Beersheva at 9:45 PM, 1 man was killed, 1 wounded critically and 3 wounded seriously.
Over 55 rockets were fired at Israel over Shabbat, including Ashdod, Ofakim (2 wounded including a 2 week old baby, a 9 year old and a 20 year old), BeerSheva, Beer Tuvia, Lachish, and Sharei HaNegev regions.
The number of wounded over Shabbat was a total of 16, with one fatality (one of the wounded is fighting for their life).
Israel Naval warships are current attacking targets in Gaza.
One again, Israel will need to fight not only against the terrorists in Gaza, but will need to fight for world opinion against the likes of Richard Goldstone, foreign government supported NGOs in Israel, and the likes of the West Dunbartonshire Regional Council in Scotland who side with the terrorists who attack Israeli civilians.
We urge you to share the security updates from the Muqata with your friends and family.
Shavua tov - a peaceful and quiet week.
Jameel Rashid & Joe Settler
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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
Israel is going to have to ignore them and fight for her existence. In view of what is not happening to Assad as he murders his own people, Israel has every right to blast Gaza clean of Hamas. Otherwise it is the end of Israel and Jews.
the cease fire after cast lead allowed hamas to rearm with even more lethal weaponry
its time
nuke the godforsaken place
the world be damned
As long as the children of the Israeli elite are not targets, expect the government to do nothing to protect the country.
Jewish life counts for nothing with those in the upper levels of power.
Hamas hasn't inflicted pain in the right places yet.
My prayers are with Israel.
Personally, I feel Israel has been quite gracious with the rebels who insist on occupying the territory that was rightfully won by Israel during war in self defense. No other country would deal so patiently with rebels as Israel have, and no other country would let rebels bent on destruction stick around this long. In the end, Israel will be rewarded.
Thought you might appreciate this little testimonial from someone commenting on my link to your blog on Facebook: "When anything happens in Israel, it's one of the first, and most reliable, places I go for news and information." Let's hear it for grassroots news reporting.
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date!
FYI your bitchy little jibe about the Social Justice protestors, you clearly didn't hear the reports about how many of them have gone down to the south to pitch up tents in rocket-range areas for solidarity. Will you be joining them?
Well won't you be overjoyed JoeAnonymous, when their tents get hit by a grad.
We can only wonder what gets you more excited, the prospect of stupid dead leftists blinded by their own misguided concepts of social justice, or being "forced" to blog about the war.
A "bitchy little jibe" at those expressing solidarity with the terrorists who kill us?!
Larry can't read what the solidarity signs in Hebrew say. (Apparently he can't read what they say in English either).
How the hell do they expect to afford an apartment if they are sitting around all day in a protest tent instead of going to work?
To the commenter who was offended at my posting the pictures from last night's protest march, expressing "solidarity" with the people of Gaza, I suggest you read my posting from last week, "With Liberty and Social Justice for Some"
No, Jameel, yours was a bitchy jibe at the protesters from Physicians for Human Rights who expressed solidarity with the South and Gaza.
Or in your world, are you only allowed to express sadness about Jewish suffering?
(And JoeAnonymous, crawl back into your hole and carry on panting to the sound of the war drums)
That's it Jameel, youre not in solidarity with the communists. youre in trouble now.
Where did you get that quote from - Stav Shapir? Someone is questioning it.
FB - Chaiya Eitan
"4:17 PM Minister of Internal Security Aharonovitch: We must be prepared for many days of escalation in the south... (Reshet Bet, Channel 2 Israel Radio)"
How nice of him to warn Israelis that they will continued to get bombed and murdered without a proper response or retaliation!!
FB Chaiya Eitan:
Looking for the exact quote from last night.
Here's a similar one from the end of July.
סתיו שפיר, בראיון לערוץ הטלוויזיה הבינלאומי RT בסוף יולי, טענה כי ייתכן ונתניהו יבחר להתחיל במלחמה בכדי לעצור את המחאה.
Will post it here soon.
FB Chaiya Eitan:
סתיו שפיר: מנסים ע''י מלחמה לפרק את האוהלים
FB Chaiya Eitan: He said it this morning on Reshet Bet.
You and JoeSettler fight very dirty.
Every single time Anonymous Troll comes along and attacks you for pointing out statements and positions taken by his friends on the Left, you then come along and bring links to the actual quotes his friends said.
That is not fair.
How is Anonymous Troll supposed to anonymously attack you in a hit and run, when you always have the facts on your side backing you up.
Anonymous Troll must find that very frustrating. Yet it doesn't stop him from trying to silence you from pointing out the bitchy remarks made by his friends. Anonymous Troll never seems to learn.
Did the Pisgat Zeev terrorist take the Light Rail?
Just to clarify, the witness saw a lot of activity outside the mall and a lot of people running, as well as security forces, and got the impression was that something was happening, but the witness did not see any actual terrorist apprehended. And then the witness got on the train speeding away at best at 10 Kmh.
I agree with Jameel and Joe Settler. Abstract questions of "social justice" don't matter much if you're out in the open when a rocket is launched and you can't get to a shelter in time to save your own life.
Death is the great equalizer. My criticism of Israel is due to the government's inaction in taking lethal Arab violence against the country seriously. For what its worth, I have no sympathy for the Gazans. They brought this upon themselves.
Those who seek to destroy Israel need to be exposed to the full consequences of their philosophy. Israel should stop pretending the Arabs still want peace. Their behavior says the opposite!
Did you catch this yet, good sirs?
-- Ma Sands
Jameel - Thank you!!
Chaiya Eitan (FB)
How can we support you for all the work you are putting in. I know you do it because it needs to be done... but where is a donation button for you?
Can someone explain Israel's reasoning to me? I'm in my late 20's and my whole life I've grown up with Israel getting attacked/bombed/SCUD/ and when or even if Israel decides to strike back the other side calls for a cease fire. Is there a historical precedence for this? Is there some sort of logic I'm missing? Even if the logic is twisted and idiotic, can someone explain it to me?
Joe, are you not busy enough transcribing Jameel's MDA bulletins to stop being Anonymous Cheerleader to yourself?!
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