Someone with waaaay to much time on their hands...he probably blogs from work as well.
hat-tip: DTC

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Yes, the Land of Israel is beloved, and it’s important, and it’s possible that for some people, there is no other issue. But the total focus on the struggle for the Land of Israel is not just a religious, social, and moral injustice. It’s also a plague.Since Ms. Efrat Shapira hyphen Rosenberg is too busy mouthing-off via her YNETnews soapbox, let me tell you a single story from last week, which shows just how wrong she is.
Huh? What does marijuana have to do with kitnoyot? I must have missed something in the Washington Heights Drugs for Dummies 101 course. (Not for users of course, just for general knowledge)Green Leaf is a small political party that supports the legalization of marijuana. Although it is by no means a Jewish religious authority, the group decided to warn its observant supporters away from the drug on Passover.
"You shouldn't smoke marijuana on the holiday, and if you have it in your house you should get rid of it," Levine said. The edict was first reported in The Jerusalem Post.
But not everyone needs to give up their habit for the duration of the festival. The rabbinic injunctions banning hemp were never adopted by Sephardic Jews, who come from countries in the Middle East and North Africa. That means there is no reason they can't keep smoking marijuana, Levine said, except that it remains illegal, despite her party's best efforts.
Green Leaf contested the last three national elections but never won a seat, despite gaining popularity as a protest vote. According to Levine, the party has a large number of religious supporters. YahooNews (hat-tip: Amshi)
The reoccupation, even temporarily, of a destroyed Jewish settlement deep in the West Bank, near Jenin, is an open challenge to a weak Israeli government. How it plays out will be viewed by Palestinians as a sign of whether Israel intends to keep its pledges, or whether settlement activity will continue to proceed unhindered, despite Israel’s promises to halt it.Yes, this is just the beginning. We will keep returning...and to Gush Katif as well.
“We are not here to cry,” said Batya Danziger, 16, one of the many teenagers who took part in the effort to reach the now desolate Homesh. “We are here to live and build it back up again.”
“Hooray, a house!” her friends shouted out in delight as they used palm fronds to fasten a lean-to against one of the few remaining stone walls.
Despite initial warnings to participants that their attempts to reach Homesh would be considered illegal, the government did not order security forces to stop the group from making its way there by foot. Instead, the forces provided security for a six-mile stretch of winding road on which the activists made their way to the site.
Parents held the hands of preschoolers, young people banged on drums and some pushed strollers piled high with sleeping bags, tents, bottled water and canned tuna as part of a campaign the organizers called Homesh Is the Beginning.
I took my son to the Kotel to put on tefilin for the first time. I told him that we would go on the Kotel tunnel tours after davening. Now, you can’t just walk up to the tunnel tours and buy tickets. You have to order and reserve your places in advance, and of course I didn’t do that. So we walk up to the man selling the tickets and I ask him for 2 tickets for today. He looks at me and says "No way! We are completely booked for today -- you need to reserve in advance."Only in Israel.
So I said to him "but my son just put on tefilin for the first time today."
He said to me "Don’t say another word!" -- and he gave me 2 tickets, and blessed my son that he should grow up to be a big tzaddik.
Hebron spokesmen stressed the importance of this building: "The house of peace, on the main road between Hebron and Kiryat Arba is an additional link in the growth of the City of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs. Bonding Hebron and Kiryat Arba, this building will provide homes for dozens, if not hundreds of Israelis, waiting to live in Hebron. It is a tremendous asset which marks another step in the renewal of the Jewish community of Hebron. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the return to Hebron, during the 1967 Six Day war. What could be a better way to celebrate the return to Hebron than by dedicating a new building! It is our hope that this will truly be a place of peace, and that our new neighbors will finally accept that Jews have returned home, to the first Jewish city in the Land of Israel, never ever to leave again."The really good news is that despite knee-jerk reactions from Leftwing MKs, who demand in typical fashion, "Evict the Jews first, ask questions later" the IDF Civil Administration had decided not to evict the Jewish residents and treat their ownership claim seriously. (Trust me, if someone pays $700,000 for a building before moving in, they aren't planning to lose in court)
Knesset Member Ophir Pines-Paz (Labor) called on Defense Minister Amir Peretz to immediately work to evacuate the settlers who raided the Hebron house, until a decision is made on its rightful owners.Jerk. A "State of Law" means that if you have a deed to a house, you should be able to live in it. Oh oh. Will Ophir Pines-Paz sue me in Pamela Greenbaum fashion for insulting him? I think he should change his last name first.
"It's time for the defense minister to start working and stop making statements which mean nothing. The State of Israel is a state of law, which should apply to everyone," Pines-Paz said. (YNET)
Finance Minister Abraham Hirchson (KADIMA) was investigated under warning Tuesday for his suspected involvement in the embezzlement of funds from a non-profit organization. Hirchson's son Ofer was also questioned. Is this another tag-team?I was at the Ramat Aviv Likud polling station for the Likud membership vote on the Disengagement issue, when Abraham Hirchson showed up to vote. He voted as a Likud member in favor the Disengagement, yet the resounding majority of the Likud (close to 70%) voted against it. So he pushed it ahead anyway with Ariel Sharon...and is now under investigation for corruption. I guess it takes a corrupt individual to treat the Gush Katif people they way they did...and they still have no permanent housing solutions, and unemployment is over 50%.
According to suspicions, Hirchson failed to report embezzlement in the organization when he served as chairman of the National Workers Labor Federation.
Police officials recently said that they had enough evidence against the minister.
Some 54 million wine bottles manufactured in Israel a year, BDI economists say; sales total NIS 730 million in 2006
Wine bottle sales in 2006 totaled NIS 730 million (abour $173 million) in 2006, a rise of 4 percent compared to the 2005 sales, according to data released by Business Data Israel.The number of wine bottle manufactured in Israel also rose by 4 percent last year, amounting to approximately 54 million bottles.
BDI data show that ahead of the holiday of Passover, like during the period before the Jewish New Year, the wine industry saw a rise of more than 40 percent in sales compared to previous months.
Fine. If you want, you can still buy Kedem Grape Juice which costs less than milk...but get the rest of your wine from here!
Armed conflict continues to kill dozens of children each year in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. [no mention of Jewish victims of Arab terror here]Veeeeery impressive.
Poverty has dramatically worsened since 2000; access to jobs, schools, and medical care is hampered by hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks. [no mention of terror here, or the active role that Palestinian children play in terror attacks]
Approximately 10 per cent of girls ages 15 to 18 are pregnant or already have a child. [hmmm....Israel's not responsible for this]
Violence against children is a problem in homes and schools. An estimated one fifth of children have experienced violence at the hands of family members. [sounds like our optimal peace partners]
Children in nearly a third of all families experience anxiety, phobia or depression. [with leaders like Abu Mazen I'm not surprised]
School enrolment [sic?] is high, but it is starting to decline. The quality of education is also suffering because schools lack textbooks and other materials. Nearly half of all students have seen their school besieged by troops, and more than 10 per cent have witnessed the killing of a teacher in school. [if they didn't harbor terrorists in their schools, this might be less of a problem...did you know that Gilad Shalit was being kept in a school in Gaza for a while?]