You may be eligable for a frozen muqata waffle!
Coin operated air conditioning or heating (2 NIS for 20 minutes).

A memorial candle dispenser machine. (hat-tip: MikeAge)
Question: How many brachot does the following unfortunate person have to say?
A Canadian jogger happened to be carrying an iPod at the wrong place at the wrong time. Lightning struck his body during a thunderstorm, and the current ran along the path of the earphones and into his head, causing injuries to his jaw and ear eardrums. The patient's physicians say the combination of sweat and the metal earphones directed the current to his head.
I can think of at least 3...
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael
Makes me glad I can't listen to headphones...
coin operated air con or heating? no idea where. an enclosed place perhaps? a shul?
lighting fried: 'charcoal ni'hyeh bidvaro' :P
try using the following img
Oh, and it's either (as in the site), or Mikeage (as in the person). Once, there was a MikEage, as well, but that's dead and buried. The A has never been capitalized :)
The beracha on lightning (oseh maaseh bereshis) and Gomel are two; can't think of a third.
I'm guessing that the coin operated air conditioning or heating is in the zohorei chama shtieblach in Machane Yehuda.
Yahrzeit memorial candle dispensing machine: at the tomb of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess, Tiveria.
Coin-op AC: many shuls have this. Boston & Imrei Shefer in Har Nof, Yerushalayim, for example.
Third bracha - Mechayei Meitim!
The Gra shul in Jerusalem just installed one of these fancy-shmancy air conditioning thingys. I think it works through the same technology as the coin-operated turnstyle at the mikveh next door. In any case, the picture is not from there, as it has a different background.
But in the Gra shul, it costs 9 shekels an hour! What a ripoff!
Maybe the third bracha is shehechianu. How often does something like this happen?
Hey Mikeage,
talk about plagiarism
tisk tisk
Unless the iPod was really, really loud, one can assume he heard the thunderclap...
IIRC correctly, there's a machlokes if one makes an "oseh maaseh bereishis" and "shekocho ugvuraso" if the thunder and lightning are seen and heard at the same time.
i've seen the coin operated air conditioners in multiple places, specifically in kiryat sefer,
special ed: I took this picture in Meah Shearim.
Elder: He might have been unconcious by the time he would have heard the thunder.
Chaya Tova: Now that was funny!
Jerry: Its cheaper in Meah Shearim :-)
Yitz: Could be...but that's not where this pic is from (candle dispenser)
anonymous: I was thinking Hagomel...but you could be right.
Cosmic: That was a good guess...but it's in a shteeble in Meah Shearim.
Michael: Guess it depends on the music.
Sarah: Good one :) Would go well with a Friday afternoon BBQ posting...
The Air-Conditioning is in a shteeble in Meah SHearim where my Rebbi from the Mir Yeshiva, R Elefant used to give shiur. Don't remember the exact address but it was after the street narrowed.
>lighting fried: 'charcoal ni'hyeh bidvaro' :P
oh ho ho ho hahahahha
omg, omg, Sarah, you are sooooo funny.
i don't get it. what is the purpose of coin-operated a/c in a shul?
Shteebles are around the clock, open door synagogues that rely solely on donations and hardly on membership dues.
This way you pay for your personal cost for the use of the heat or air conditioning while you are using the facilities.
hyrax: i know. you don't have to keep telling me...
I WIN!!!! I was so scared soneone would have beaten me (i confess to not checking this blog too often)
The candle machine is mearat hamachpela DUH ;) and obviusly it took me to know that lol
Where are my waffles ? grr doi need to go om a tresure hunt to chomesh to find em?
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