All the "logic" being sold to you for years that if only we donated more money to the poor Palestinians, they would abandon their militant ways has been proven to be one big sham.
So what does the United States do? They earmark 86 million dollars in "security support" for Abbas, and some of that will go to "training centers" in Jericho.
JERICHO, West Bank -- Young cadets carry briefcases as they rush to computer labs, Hebrew classes and conflict resolution drills. They are the vanguard of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' campaign to prevent the West Bank from falling to Hamas.We know this will fail. We know they will use their new found knowledge to try and kill us (or each other). We've trained Palestinian "policemen", given them guns, equipment, money, and refuge from Israel. Why repeat the same mistakes over and over again?
The just-opened officers' school is part of Abbas' new security plan to keep the Islamic militants on the defensive, and to reassure Israel and the U.S. that he's strong enough to carry out a peace deal.
The first 142 officers will graduate in eight months, returning to their old units with new expertise that Mideast peacemakers hope will help end the chaos reigning on Palestinian streets.
But the US plods on.
Thanks guys.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael