How totally uncouth.FORT PIERCE, Fla. -- A woman decided to go to jail rather than pay her bill at a Fort Pierce Waffle House restaurant.
The total she went to jail over: $7.45.
According to a police report, Maryanne O'Neill, 66, orderedcoffee and a sandwichwaffles at a Waffle House restaurant on Saturday but refused to pay the bill.
The report said an officer asked her to pay or go to jail and she refused.
A jail official says she was released Monday from the St. Lucie County Jail. She is charged with obtaining food or lodging with intent to defraud, a second degree misdemeanor.
Obviously not a reader of the Muqata blog.
Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד
This reminds me of the woman who was arrested for stealing some kid's football. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27282531/
Is that a stock photo of a waffle? Or did you take that photo, just for this post? And if the latter is the case, I certainly didn't receive the JBlogger's special invitation, a promise for which was included in my handy-dandy NBN JBloggers' Convention Press Kit. Did anyone else get invited? Hmmmmmm???? I am sorry to see this sort of "mistake" happening in the heretofore "honorable" Blogosphere. I'm calling Charles Johnson RIGHT now.
How ironic, her punishment for stealing the waffle was free lodging for the night.
must have been a good waffle to be worth going to jail for...
Ruti: The "official" waffle breakfast has simply not happened yet due to general busyness in the Muqata household.
We even had waffles for a breakfast of chol hamoed, and my oldest daughter was upset we didnt photograph them in the sukka.
However, I will post some sukka pictures shortly.
The waffle breakfast will still happen...
Okaaaay, Jameel. You saved yourself. This time. I will call off the media watchdogs.
Whew! That was close. The JBlogosphere is safe from corruption another day. [That sound you hear in the background is my cape, fthip-fthip-fthipping in the mountain breeze.]
Are your readers invited for the waffle breakfast?
anonymous: could very well be...
Hmmm. A waffle breakfast. Where have I heard that before?
Don't forget to invite Ymedad. (If he got around to kashering the waffle iron he won at the convention).
Did I mention that I hate waffles?
They're so over rated.
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